Makeup of the Day | Sugarpill Velocity

By Bria

Simple MOTD featuring a bright lower lash line, winged eyeliner and lots of lashes. 

I double stacked two natural lashes for maximum density and used some dramatic lower lash since I have none of my own. I am in the market for some vegan mascara, I think Milani has one that I'm going to try out. Finding vegan mascara has been a bit of a struggle just because I don't want to have to pay a lot of money for it; I go through mascara so quickly I have never been one to pay over 12 dollars for one. 
I've also been slowly getting back into using false lashes, I fell out of using them for a bit because I was mostly doing detailed one eye makeup looks and with my hooded eyes I felt they would hide some of the details. Now that I'm getting into doing full faced looks again because my acne has finally cleared I've been playing around with them. The effect is undeniable, falsies take your lashes instantly from zero to hero. Who do you get your lashes from and what are your favorite style? I love the ones that pack in the volume.  
Products  Face -Cover FX Natural Finish Foundation G70 -RCMA VK-11 Palette -RCMA No-Color Powder -theBalm Bahama Mama  -theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer -The Body Needs High Stakes Blush
Eyes -theBalm Nude'tude -Sugarpill Velocity -Kiss 01 Lashes + Wispies  -Ebay lower lashes
Lips -Milani Lip Pencil Spice -Pink Lip Gloss
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