So as you may have noticed, ive had a few days off! ive taken a few days to myself over May Day weekend, but aside from that, ive been majorly busy with all things blog and youtube related which is why there has been a lack of posts of late!
However fear not friends!
The lovely people over at The Hut sent me over the Make Believe Facial Self Tanner. Now if im honest, im not a huge tanning fan as i have mentioned a lot in the blog, but i found a lovely tan in the Elemis gradual tan and so really needed a good facial tanner to go with it.
The Make Believe Facial Self Tanner is brown when you apply it, so that you can see where you've applied it, and it smells amaaaaaazing! Now the guide color is just that - a guide colour, but you don't wash off this guide color. Over the following hours, the tan develops and the result is a warm glowy tan. You will need to apply this more to increase the intensity and depth of the colour, but because this is so easy to apply, this is no hassle.
In terms of consistency, i would recommend exfoliating, as you would normally do before tanning and this should avoid any inconsistencys. As for washing your face, as long as you dont exfoliate after using the tan, the color wont fade for a few days as you would expect.
All in all i really liked this product and would genuinely use this if i was tanning the rest of my body.
You can buy this at HQ Hair for £16.99 by clicking here.