Major Edit Done!

By Eriktiger @eriktiger

Well I am sitting back a celebrating a bit…I just finished a MASSIVE line edit / proofreading of my novel. I think I made changes to nearly every sentence and paragraph. I moved some scenes around to make things flow better and removed a lot of repetitive sentences. I found I described something and then often had one of characters say what I had just described….not cool.

It was an exhausting experience…I think it took 6 weeks to line edit. I have uploaded the new version. Hope everyone enjoys the changes and corrections!

Self publishing is a learn-as-you go process. I wish I was just now publishing my novel instead of the past February. Its good now though (I think lol) and look forward to some reviews.

Now what to do next…I have two WIPs that are about 50 – 60 pages into it…one is a straight horror novel the other is a series I hope to see through that starts out horror and evolves to Scifi, without leaving behind the horror too much.

I am thinking of trying a couple of short stories now instead and getting those out there to get some feedback generated.