Madam Glam - Swatches & Review

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi fellow nail polish lovers!!
I have swatches from a fairly new polish brand to share with you today, Madam Glam.

Kiss Me Now
Pink leaning coral creme

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

The first coat of Kiss Me Now was a bit streaky and it's a bit on the thick side.  However, it was fully opaque in two coats and applied easily.  Here I used two coats with no top coat.
Vintage Girl
A dusty lilac, almost mauve creme.

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Vintage Girl has a great formula.  It applied really well and was opaque in two easy coats.  Here I used two coats with no top coat.
Plum Heartless
A dark plum

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Plum Heartless also has a great formula.  It's opaque in two easy coats.  It's so dark, it looks almost black on the nail.  It's a nice vampy shade though.
Blue is the One
Deep blue packed with blue shimmer.

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

The formula for Blue is the One is awesome!!  This was just one easy coat.  It's also a really stunning shade.  I love the shimmer in it.
I really like these polishes.  With the exception of Kiss Me Now, the formulas were pretty much perfect.  I like the colors as well.
Madam Glam polishes can be purchased online here for $10.95 a bottle.  I was surprised at the wide variety of colors and finishes they have.
What do you guys think of these polishes?  Have you tried this brand before?
**Products sent for honest review**