MAC “Club” Eyeshadow Makes the Military Smoky Eye, F/W 2012

By Blessmybag @blessmybag

Muddied fatigue and khaki shades are in at the moment, the warm complementary browns enhance that craved shade of moss tinted army “greige”.  That being said, if you feel young enough to get trendy I believe you’ll survive and thrive with one, yes, just one eyeshadow this nippy season, that has dual personality under its lid.  I only own 2 MAC eyeshadows which I bought in Singapore last year, and MAC Club is one of them…an eternally useful satin duochrome with schizophrenic skills, part of MAC’s permanent range (Thank God).  If you stare at this shade for the first time I guarantee you’ll take at least 10 seconds to dig up words to describe MAC Club to the person in front of you.  It’s positively special.

The duochrome effect does the work for people who are lazy when it comes to eyeshadow. 

It takes care of making one shade look like two, initially bearing a military khaki shade while when tilted to another angle reflecting a warm coffee taupe that appears to be darker in the crease of the eye when applied.  This eyeshadow has saved me more than once on photo shoots when the brief requires a deep smoky eye on many models and I’ve got no time to fiddle with more than one eyeshadow.  Read more to see the military eye look I created using  two eye products (not including mascara and concealer for the face).

I used two items to make a military smoky eye, MAC Club eyeshadow and a brown Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner (Sepia Ink) underneath the eyeshadow as a base (a black base can be too intense unless you’ve got a rock concert, cocktail party, or club to go to.  These are what I used just on the eyes.

This is how it initially looks in daylight, during which you might not wear an eye like this.  Here below are some filtered shots from my phone…which are  meant to enhance and show MAC Club’s true duochrome effect in reaction to light at night or how it works in mobile photos or Instagram.

It’s kind of pretty in a dirty/bruised but well-shaped sense.  Remember, shape beginning with the application of the cream base/gel eyeliner base beneath the eyeshadow is important so that smoky eyes like these don’t end up looking messy, then blend out.  Don’t be afraid to extend the blending because you can correct and take the shape back inward with a brush and concealer after (mine was MAC Studio finish NC30).  Here are all the products I used including mascara and concealer, I was just wearing pressed powder for my base.

Sorry that this isn’t a video tutorial and that the steps are just generally described, but you can refer to how Lisa Eldridge does her multi-colored smoky eye in the videoI embedded below.  She also used a base cream except hers was MAC Black Black paint pot.  Maybelline Gel Eyeliner pots, brown or black, are great drugstore subs for MAC and Bobbi Brown.  In this video, Lisa used several shades to get a multicolor effect but if you don’t want overly technicolored eyes you can substitute all those colors she used for just one MAC Club single eyeshadow to simplify the task (lovin’ it already aren’t you, just 1!).  Note how Lisa carefully maps out the base shape using the paint pot first.  MAC Eyeshadows cost about Php800-900 in local boutiques but are exceedingly cheaper in the U.S, online at MAC Cosmetics eyeshadow refill pans are just $11.00 each.