MABH Fast Growth Hair Oil : My Initial Thoughts and My Hairfall Story

By Natasha Bhatt
Hi everyone,I never had beautiful and healthy hair from my childhood. I generally had short hair until my 7th grade in school. Once I started growing my hair I started encountering  many hair issues since my childhood. As a thumb rule my grandmother would always scold me saying that you should oil your hair every other day. Well as a rebel I would not as I did not like oiling my hair but sometimes would apply it to my hair before going to school. I would wash my hair 2 to 3 times a week and that's it. That was all I would do.

As I stepped into my teens due to hormonal changes or sickness I used to loose lot of hair especially on the front part which really made me baldy at some point and I used to chop my hair short to avoid embarassment and try to curb the hair fall. Back then 10 years ago who knew what was oily hair, dry hair etc and we never had internet and so much of information readily available to help us with our hair woes. If you are and 80's and early 90's kid you will understand what I say. 

Since 2010 I lost lot of hair due to thyroid and that was the worst phase for my hair as I used to feel so depresssed seeing my hair falling like noone's business. After medicines I did gain them back but constant medicines and care is a must or else it can go back to what it was in terms of hair loss .I was and never am super obsessed with my hair and I never experiment with any  products on my hair. The only thing I do is either apply hair color or mehendi that's it and now I do try to oil my hair atleast once a week.

Lancy from Make up and Beauty Home was kind enough to send me this hair oil for review purpose. Thank  you Lancy. I have just started using it and hence can only give an in depth review after using it for quite sometime. 

The product claims to:

  • Stop Hairfall.
  • Fasten Hair Growth
  • Remove Dandruff
  • 100% Natural
  • No Silicones
  • No Preservatives.
  • No Colorants
  • No Parabens

So many good things vow.. I am excited to see how it works for me considering I have so many hair issues. My main issues have been hair fall, thin hair and  hair not growing lengthwise. Stay tuned for the review coming soon after I have used a decent amount of this hair oil.I hope you found the information helpful. Do leave a comment below I love reading them and if you are visiting my blog for the first time do leave your blog links for me to visit back.Happy Weekend everyone xoxo