Lush Angels on Bare Skin

By Brokebutbeautiful @never2broke4bea

Lush Angel's On Bare Skin

Lush is brand that I read a lot about on other blogs but I'm not massively familiar with. I was recently in Manchester and decided that it was about time I became more familiar with it and visited their store in the Arndale on the look out for a face scrub. I was quickly approached by a lovely shop assistant who asked me what I was looking for. I said I wanted a face scrub suitable for dry skin and she recommended Angels On Bare Skin, which according to their packaging is their most popular facial cleanser and I can see why! 
I have skin that is prone to dryness and spots and to be honest I have never found a cleanser that I have really loved, until now that is! Angels On Bare Skin is a real gem. Unfortunately it doesn't look like a gem, it looks slightly like a cold bowl of porridge, however its underwhelming appearance is made up for by the gorgeous sweet smell of lavender and almonds that are both ingredients in the face scrub.

This scrub is great for everyday use. When you first take some from the pot it feels quite hard and coarse, however when you  mix the pea sized amount with water it becomes like a cleansing milk with small pieces for exfoliation. I now use this cleanser everyday and  my skin is the clearest it has been for years. I was even told that I looked like I was 'glowing' after I had started using it! It leaves skin feeling soft, cleansed and gently exfoliated. Since I have been using this my skin has been  the most 'under control' it has been in years and I have only had one small breakout in the three weeks since I have been using it. 

Angel's on Bare Skin: doesn't look too exciting but it smells amazing and  turns into a milky
cleanser when you mix with water.

As I have said I wasn't that familiar with Lush but I can honestly say I am now a huge Lush fan and Angels On Bare Skin is easily the best facial cleanser I have ever tried. It costs £5.95 and can be purchased in store or online. I'd love some recommendations for the next Lush product I should try! I can't wait to find out what else they have to offer!