Low Milk Supply? Nestle MommaLove Lactation Milk is on SALE on Shopee This Friday

By Rayrose Camille Samson @itsrayrose
During my pregnancy on my second son, I always wanted to try breastfeeding because it can boost my child's health. From my experience on my first child Harvey, I got a low milk supply even I drink lots of supplements that can help me increase my milk production yet it is still not enough. So I search for more alternative and effective ways to increase my milk production. Now I discover Nestle MommaLove Lactation Milk contains 1,200 mg of malunggay, wheat flakes, iron, folate, and calcium that help my body produce nutrients that I need for my breastfeeding. Liam(my second child) is now on mixed feeding, there are times that I do let him drink commercial milk then I do breastfeed him.
Mommies don't worry if you cannot exclusively breastfeed your child, because it will take time. Just relax and don't stress out yourself about it. Your milk production will increase if you will feel good about yourself and drink MommaLove Lactation Milk. It has two variants Vanilla and Chocolate that I'm sure you will love.
Get this bundle on Shopee this coming June 19 for only 1,179 php check out this link

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