Low-Carb to Manage Type 1 Diabetes

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

A low-carb diet is great for managing type 1 diabetes (not just type 2). Here’s a typical story from an email I got today:

Dear Andreas,
Thank you for your website. It is a fantastic source of information and inspiration.

My name is Troy Stapleton. I am a 42 yo radiologist from Australia. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in October 2012. (hbA1c 11.9). I followed standard advice for two months during which time I would spike over 7.5 mmol every day and have a hypoglycaemic episode about once per week. My insulin dose was 30 units/day.

Then I went low carb and this has resulted in a dramatic improvement in my life. My most recent HbA1c was 5.3. I rarely spike over 7.5 mmol, perhaps once per month and rarely have a hypo. My insulin dose is now 6 units at night.

I was interviewed regarding this on Australian radio in August. Please find a link below to my interview. The comments section underneath also makes for interesting reading with numerous other type 1 and 2 diabetics also describing similar success with a very low carbohydrate diet.

Yours sincerely

Dr Troy Stapleton MBBS FRANZCR

Congratulations Troy! Here’s the radio program with the interview:

ABC.net.au: Low carbohydrate diet to manage type I diabetes