Low-carb Clinical Pearls for Primary Care

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Many people are told by their doctor to follow a "healthy diet": Consume plenty of whole grains and fruit, avoid butter and cream, and eat several times throughout the day.

As a low-carb physician, Dr. Brian Lenzkes takes a different approach with his patients. In an engaging video presentation from Low Carb Denver 2020, he explains why eating too many carbs can lead to high insulin levels that drive obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease and heart disease.

He also shares compelling stories from people who have lowered their insulin levels and reversed these conditions with keto eating, intermittent fasting, and minimizing processed foods.

This is a highlight video. The full presentation is available for all Diet Doctor Plus members, including captions and a downloadable pdf with the transcript. If you are not yet a member, you can sign up for a free month trial and watch this and many other low-carb videos. Watch the full presentation with a free trial