Love for Matalan

By Kerysmarie @littleboblab
I've never been one for buying Matalan clothes in the past as I've always found that they're either too old or too young with their women's section for me. However lately, I've been having  a massive snog fest with their budget alternatives to highstreet trends!   Last week I posted a cheeky look at their collection of gorgeous everyday peplum tops, and today, continuing with my highstreet 'one shop' outfit collections, I'm going to show you an outfit I've put together using only their online store.   Hold onto your hats girls, this ones a bargain post!     1. Be Beau biker leather jacket - £35   A leather jacket.. for under £40, are you s**ting me?! I'm so unbelievably in love with this, that when my loan is finally here it will be the first thing put on my card! The color is rich and so yummy for the coming winter & I love the wrap zip detail.
This is a serious steal.   2. Bird print pleat dress - £16   Now I know this may not be to everyones taste, but for me personally its the perfect day dress.
As many of you know from my previous posts about my tattoos, I really love birds & anything vintage print. This is a gorgeous modern take on the vintage trend. (also available in block purple)   3. Lace up brogues - £14   Most of us have a pair of these hanging around in our wardrobe already & they really do look great with little tea dresses.  If you don't own any yet, they really are a pair of flats I believe every girl should own. They're a smart style, cute & really versatile. Oh.. & mega cheap in all highstreet stores, not just Matalan!   4. Washed leather look rucksack in tan - £12   Wow, another steal! I'm loving the rucksack trend at the moment & currently own one cute white one (also from Matalan) that I bought for spring/summer. But as we're sweeping fast into autumn/winter, this tan rucksack is perfect for any of you schoolies/uni lasses wanting something comfortable but stylish.   5. Black urchin stud earrings £2.50   I know these are black, and realistically I should have gone with something gold or purple to compliment the dress.. But I really liked these. They're simple, great for everyday & even with your hair up would make a nice little statement without stealing the show.
Oh, and they're only £2.50, so.. Why not buy them?