Losing 130 Lbs with LCHF – and Still Counting

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Before and after

I received an email from Dustin Juell, who has lost almost 130 lbs (59 kg) with LCHF and is spreading the knowledge through his blog:

The Email

I just wanted to let you know my story, I found Jimmy and then you on one of his cruise videos and would like to say thanks. I have ordered a Ketonix and plan on going more hard core LCHF. I blog about my journey and have linked your website in my latest blog and have also linked you on my Facebook for several of your stories. Jimmy has always been a great resource when I have contacted him directly. I am just a small time blogger trying to help too.

Thanks again from www.losingthefatman.blogspot.com. You are doing an awesome job!! I am sure you get that a lot

PS: I am down almost 130 lbs (59 kg) now.

Thanks again, Andreas!

Dustin Juell

Fantastic – congratulations!

You can find Dustin here: www.losingthefatman.blogspot.com


LCHF for Beginners

How to Lose Weight

More weight and health stories


Do you have a success story you want to share on this blog? Send it (photos appreciated) to andreas@dietdoctor.com, and please let me know if it’s OK to publish your photo and name or if you’d rather remain anonymous.