Long Beach, NY – Before Superstorm Sandy

Posted on the 23 February 2013 by Steveonline @steve_online

I was in Long Beach, NY a few weeks before Superstorm Sandy hit one cloudy late-afternoon when Alyssa was at grandma’s and Kim was on her way to having dinner with them before coming home. I wanted to learn how to use my digital camera better so I drove 10 minutes down Long Beach Road / Austin Blvd. and went to the boardwalk and walked down by the water for a little while. I took mostly bird pics that day trying to focus on the subject, blur out the background so unfortunately 90% or more of the images are probably of little interest to people wanting pics of the Long Beach boardwalk before Superstorm Sandy hit.

In hindsight I wish I took more boardwalk pictures but I can’t change that now. Figured I would post these pics up here for anyone from the community that wants to remember it pre-Sandy and take a minute and enjoy the old scenery.

If you want higher-res photos (if there is any demand for that) I’ll figure out an easy way to get them to you without having to make this post on the site too huge of a download for the rest.
