Loki’s Song

By Spearcarrier @rainbowprophet

I’ve been working on this one for a long time. I don’t have a proper drum, and I had a “roots” sound in mind for it. I ended up going to fiverr.com and hiring someone to create a drum beat for me that I could use. He made several, actually, and I’ll most likely be using them in other stuff.

This is Loki’s Song, originally composed by Mikal the Ram of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Mikal is no longer with us, sadly – and this I found out when trying to find him to gain permission to use this song. This song is not for sale and will never be for sale, although I do encourage folks to download and share to keep Mikal’s awesome talent and memory alive. Always attribute the root of this song to Mikal the Ram.

I may redo the vocals for this one the same way I redid them when I finally got the video for Wuthering Heights together. But again, I’m not wanting to lose the folklore “Native American” sound I have ended up putting into it so the flat notes may stay. It depends on how I feel. Truth is I feel it’s a little incomplete, but when it comes to finding loops you never can find the simple beats I was looking for. Everyone always wants to show off and do fancy stuff. Oh well.

Loki’s Song