Live Stream of Low Carb Breckenridge Has Started

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

The live stream of Low Carb Breckenridge has started ( full schedule).

Update 08:40: Currently, Ivor Cummins is talking about "An Engineering Approach to Chronic Disease Prevention".

At 9:00 am MST, Dave Feldman will talk about how "Cholesterol is a Passenger, Not a Driver".

Watch the live stream here, with a membership or a free trial:

Live stream: Low Carb Breckenridge

More about the live stream

Considering the massive list of excellent speakers and important topics, we wouldn't want you to miss out on this key event. Team Diet Doctor is on-site with 10 people to capture the presentations, live editing (using four cameras) and live streaming them, so that you can enjoy them from the comfort of your home - anywhere in the world. Just go to the link below if you're a member, or sign up for a free trial:

Live stream from Low Carb Breckenridge