Live Responsibly but Live Joyfully

By Shreoshe

Disclaimer: This blog is is meant for audience above the age of 25 years.

Are you looking for a lifestyle that others will be jealous of? Like every Friday night a grand party, having dinner out and enjoying with your best pals, grooving to the tunes of latest music hits in a cool place? Sounds amazing I presume. Yes, this life can surely be yours that too without spending much on extras. Look for a reliable pub finder in India that has all latest information regarding party places, dinner dates, music, movies and anything that is worth your time and bucks.

This is a busy life we got here and no wonder youngsters are having a hard time adapting to the stressful work culture. Sometimes, we all feel that we need to just get a break, go to some cool place, groove and dance till midnight, shout our lungs out and enjoy. It not only rejuvenates our spirit but also relieves us of work pressure and related issues. But, you need not make it a habit or else you may become an addict. Everything till a certain limit is fine. But when it exceeds that limit, it becomes harmful for you.

Few tips to stay healthy yet live a life full of fun and merriment:

  • Eat before you drink– It will help absorb the alcohol and you may save yourself from getting drunk embarrassed. Also, drinking in an empty stomach can have health issues in future.
  • Do not drive drunk- This exceeds health concerns and is a life risk situation. Never ever sit in the front seat of your car if you are drunk. Get a cab or get someone to drive for you. And that someone should be in his/her full senses.
  • Drink lightly if you are an addict- Addiction is bad and you know it. There is always this crave for alcohol which holds you back from everything else. So, don’t be one. Check your drinking and do not take more than you can take on yourself. You can be your best judge on that.
  • Call a cab for your drunken friends- Yes, this you can do to ensure your friends reach home safely, especially if they are women.

You should live a life full of enjoyment, right, but you also need to live responsibly for both you and your acquaintances. After all, this life is all we have got and it is unwise to risk it for temporary pleasures.