Live Clean Apple Cider Vinegar Clarifying Shampoo

By Ladydevz @Ladydevzz
I didnt bother taking pictures of this product - cos honestly whats the difference in seeing in real and the pictures below! The product looks the same, the shampoo is a clear lotion which I will have a hard time getting a shot of and it can all end up messy.
I bought this shampoo from Best Buy website:
You can get the price & other details there. I am not recommending this website for your purchase, just FYI.

Courtesy: Best buy website

Why I liked this shampoo -  It didn't dry my hair like the Tresemme clarifying shampoo I used to try earlier. This doesn't have much of a scent, so on days when I am scent-o-phobic I like this. The price is not too high and I think this is easily available at least here in Toronto.
And best of all - its SLS/sulfate free, Paraben Free and the brand is cruelty free.
Awesome right?
What I didnt like - Err.. its a personal preference.. I like shampoos that lather well and gives that clean light feeling to my scalp. I don't think that's healthy as I know lather doesnt mean clean and that light feeling on scalp can translate to a very dry scalp later.
But still... ho hum..
The other thing is this doesnt have a scent. Feeling that I'm weird for listing this both in the Pro & Con?
Let me try to explain - on days when I like my hair to smell nice, I like a shampoo with some nice scent, nothing strong.
So a shampoo like this which leaves no scent is like a bummer.
Overall: I cannot comment on the clarifying effect as so far I have not been able to judge if a shampoo does "Clarify" or not. All I say is my scalp felt clean after this. So if you like a nature friendly mild shampoo that doesnt dry out your scalp, this may be something you'd like.