List of Best Foods That Are Naturally Rich in Fiber

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

Having adequate amount of fiber daily is important if you want to stay healthy and fit. Fiber is the indigestible component of carbohydrates and is mostly found in plant foods. Inside the digestive canal it forms a gel-like mass and forms a bulk, which helps in digesting the food easily and in the effective absorption of nutrients from the food. It is good for various health problems like diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure and diseases of the heart. It is also important for ensuring proper bowel movement and prevents constipation.

Types of Fiber and how much you need it:

There are 2 types of fiber-soluble and insoluble. The recommended dietary allowance for fiber for a man below 50 years of age is 38 gm per day and for those above 50 years it is 30 gm. For a woman it is 25 gm to 21 gm per day while for a child it is 14 gm per day.

Food Sources Rich in Fiber are:


Almond is a rich source of fiber and it is also good for keeping your heart healthy. You get 4 gm of fiber from one ounce of almond.


Consuming a medium size apple provides you 5 gm of pectin fiber, which is about 17% of the fiber that you require daily. Water forms a large part of apple and therefore it is good for keeping the bowels regular. Have it without removing its skin as most of the fiber is found on its skin.


A medium sized artichoke supplies you with half the fiber that you need per day. Water is also present in high quantities in artichokes.


1 cup of chopped uncooked broccoli gives you 5 gm of fiber. It is also rich in vitamins A, C and E.

Brussels sprouts:

By consuming a cup of cooked Brussels sprouts you get half the fiber that is needed per day. It is also rich in vitamin A and C, as well as calcium, iron, zinc and phosphorous.

Beet greens:

Other than being rich in fiber, beet greens are also rich in vitamin A and C and folate. You get 2 gm of fiber from 1 cup of raw beet greens.


Berries are rich in fiber content and also keep the blood sugar under control. Some of the common berries are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Highest amount of fiber is contained in raspberries.


Carrot is excellent for your eyes, to reduce the level of cholesterol and to maintain the blood sugar level in the body. The fiber present in carrots helps in protecting the body from various problems associated with digestive system as well as prevents gastric ulcers.


Cabbage not only contains antioxidants that fight against cancer, but it also is rich in fiber. Having 1 cup of cabbage can provide you 5 gm of fiber. It is an ideal food for those who want to lose weight in a natural way.


Figs are succulent and tasty fruits that are rich in fiber. By consuming 1 large fig you get 2 gm of fiber and 47 calories. It helps in preventing constipation.

Garbanzo beans:

You get 3 gm of fiber from half a cup of garbanzo beans. It keeps your stomach full for a long time.


Lentils are rich in fiber and easy to cook. 1 cup of lentils provides you with 63 % of the fiber that you need per day. They are also rich in proteins, vitamins, folate and iron.

Navy beans:

You get about 20 gm of fiber by having 1 cup of navy beans, which is about 80% of the fiber you require daily. You can add it with rice, soup and dips.


Nuts like Brazil nuts and pine nuts consist of 12 gm of fiber per 100 gm, while 4 gm of fiber is found in almonds and pistachio. The best way is to eat them raw and unsalted. Be aware that some nuts are rich in fats.


Oats are rich sources of dietary fiber and nutrients. 1 cup of oatmeal contains 4 gm of fiber, which accounts to 20 % of your daily fiber requirement. It is therefore the best food to reduce cholesterol. Oatmeal for breakfast provides you with energy and keeps away hunger for a long time.


You get 3.6 gm of fiber per serving of prunes. It is good for getting rid of various symptoms connected with constipation like loss of appetite, cramps and bloating.


Pears contain soluble as well as insoluble fiber and you get about 4 gm of fiber by having one medium sized pear.

Sweet corn:

Have sweet corn as a side dish or add it to salads, pizzas and soups. Consuming 6 inches of sweet corn gives you 2 gm of fiber. It is also rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.


Pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chive seeds and sunflower seeds are rich sources of fiber and many other nutrients required by the body. 1 tablespoon of flaxseed provides you 9 gm of fiber, while 1 teaspoon of chia seeds provides 6 gm of fiber.


Spinach is named as the super food and has lots of health benefits. It is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Fiber is found in high amounts in this leafy vegetable, which cleanses the colon and keeps the digestive system in good condition.


1/4th cup of walnuts provides you with 2 gm of fiber and 190 calories. You can add walnuts to salads, cakes and deserts and consume them.

Whole grains:

Whole grains are not refined and are covered with bran layers. So they are very rich in fiber. You get 6.3 gm of fiber by having 1 cup of whole grain pasta. 1 cup of whole wheat flour provides you 13 gm of fiber. Whole grains also supply you with increased energy and keep your stomach full for a longer time.

Brown rice, green peas and avocado are other food products that are rich in fiber.