Lisa Orrell Three Reasons Why Employees Need to Focus on Personal Branding

Posted on the 30 November 2000 by Ncrimaldi @MsCareerGirl

Why has Personal Branding become such a hot topic in the workforce these days?

As with product or company branding, if you do not take control of defining and managing your Personal Brand at work, and actually put some thought into it versus just “letting it happen”, other people will do it for you (and that may not always be accurate or favorable).

Here is a basic overview of what Personal Branding is: A positive Personal Brand allows all that’s strong and effective about your personal and professional style to become known, in a deliberate and managed way, to your colleagues up, down, and across your company. The result of this can enable you to generate maximum value and a unique “distinction” for yourself.

So how can it help you achieve maximum career success?

Here are three reasons why focusing on developing and managing your Personal Brand is critical:

It Gives You Complete Clarity

Personal Branding is all about increased self-awareness by: acknowledging your weaknesses (such as having a bad temper or being a poor communicator), making the necessary changes to improve yourself, and by also understanding your strengths. You have to know “who you are and who you aspire to be” in order to conduct yourself in any role effectively; be it entry-level or a senior leadership position.

It Can Expand Your Notoriety

In addition to wanting more notoriety at work, many employees also want to stand out in their industry. They want to be asked to speak at industry tradeshows and conventions, and they want industry media to contact them for interviews. There’s nothing wrong with desiring this type of recognition; it’s actually a very smart career growth strategy.

If you strategically create and promote your Personal Brand as a Thought Leader within your industry, this type of notoriety can be achieved. It does require you to be your own “Publicist”, and to stay current on trends so that you have unique insights to share, but it can be done. And it can quickly expand awareness for your Personal Brand outside of the office.

It Will Improve Your Job Satisfaction

As you become clear on your own Personal Brand, you gain clarity on your personal and professional values. This normally leads to asking yourself things like: Am I in the right job or role? Do I even like what I do or should I make a career change? Does my Boss, or the Company, mesh with my Personal Brand values? Those are all valid questions. And knowing the answers benefit you because it improves your odds of being at a company or in a role where you’ll truly be happy…that is key to job satisfaction, and ultimately, to how well you’ll perform at work.

In closing, remember this important concept to use as your “behavior barometer”: Every time someone has contact with you at work, outside of work, or on social media, one of two things happen: your Personal Brand is either strengthened or weakened…by what you say or don’t say, and by what you do or don’t do.

 A Special Thanks goes for contributing this articles goes to Lisa Orrell, CPC, is globally recognized as The Generations Relations & Leadership Expert. She’s an in demand Corporate and College Speaker, Thought Leader, Media Guest, and the Author of three top-selling business books: “Millennials Incorporated”; “Millennials into Leadership”; and “Boomers into Business”. And her new fourth book, “Your Employee Brand is in Your Hands: How Any Employee Can Create and Promote Their Own Personal Leadership Brand for Massive Career Success!”was just released to rave reviews plus 5-star ratings on Amazon. Visit Lisa’s website to see her presentation topics, client list, and much more: Or contact her directly via email: