Liquid Lacquer - August Swatchathon Part 1

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
*Products in this post were provided by the manufacturer for my honest review*
Happy Monday!!! It seems that I am doing a little swatchathon every month now, and I just can't help it! Sometimes there are collections that come out that you just have to have, and this week, that is the polishes released in August from Liquid Lacquer.
Today I will be showing you 3 GORGEOUS polishes, Mint Dragonfruit, Ice Hotel, In Hell and Shots on a Space Ship.

Mint Dragonfruit:

Melissa describes this shade as, "A shimmery light mint base with silver and magenta glitter". I am wearing two coats of polish, topped with Out The Door. The application was very nice and all the glitters came out without any fishing at all.
Ice Hotel, In Hell:

Melissa describes this shade as, "An icy neon blue jelly with orange, silver and watermelon glitter". I am wearing three coats of polish as this is a little more jelly than the previous shade and topped with Out the Door. The application was very nice and no fishing, even for the larger circle glitters.
Shots on a Space Ship:

Melissa describes this shade as, "A shimmery/duo chromey neon blue/light purple jelly with pink and silver circles with silver hexis." I am wearing two coats and topped with Out The Door. I seriously am in love with this shade so bad and the application, just with the other polishes, was flawless :)
That's all for today, but there will be more tomorrow! All 3 of these shades are currently for sale on the Liquid Lacquer Site.
You can connect with Liquid Lacquer here:

Which of these 3 shades was your favorite? I loved them all but if I had to pick, I would have to choose Shots on a Space Ship.

*Products in this post were provided by the manufacturer for my honest review*