Lions, and Tigers, and Deadlines. Oh My!

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Hello wonderful world of blogging friends! I promised myself I was going to try and blog at least once a week, and we can see how far that promise went…although I have been a lot better about checking up on the rest of your blogs.  At least that’s something.  I haven’t forgotten about my favorite blog friends!  I’ve been inspired by all of your christmas crafts and am looking forward to starting some of my own, although I’m trying to hold out until November.

The student teaching is going fantastically.  I leave the school I’ve been working at for the past eight weeks next Monday and I’m sad to be letting go of all my students.  They’ve been such a pleasure to teach and I’m a little sad I won’t be there to watch them grow up and see where they all end up going to college and who ends up going into English (there has to be at least one, right?).  Although I know I’ll get just as attached to the students at the next school I’m going to.

Everything has been keeping busy here between teaching, work, and school.  The nice thing is that I just have to finish up my teacher portfolio and then the school stuff is finished for, well, I guess until graduation.  (Of course there are plenty of observations left to go but all I have to do is be a prepared teacher and things will go well).  I’m hoping this means that I have a little extra free time coming my way, but I have a feeling that’s a little overly optimistic. Of course once December hits I’ll be a college graduate and won’t have to worry about all the school complications, although the two job thing may or may not stick.

I do have some cross-stitch progress to show you all! And I also have some book reviews to write so I might be able to pick back up with every Friday reviews for at least a month.  So it looks like the more frequent blogging is on the horizon.

the whole bottom half finished!

I’ve got 3 of the 6 pages finished!  The whole design is starting to come together and looks much better than I thought it was going to (don’t get me wrong, I’m still not all that impressed) and I’m glad to be making progress.  Here’s hoping I can finish this project up by the end of the month! It’s all just straight cross stitch but I think it’s working well.  The white cloth background isn’t working well, I should have saved the white aida and bought some dark blue.  Oh well.  Things to remember for next time.

I’ve been storing lots of christmas card and ornament patterns and Cross Stitch Collection has some very cute owl cards out in their November issue so I can’t wait to dive in to the holiday spirit.  Working in retail has made me overly eager to get into the Christmas spirit with everything already up and Christmas-y at work.  I am trying to hold back my Christmas spirit and enjoy my next favorite holiday…Halloween!  For a horror fan like me the holidays don’t get any better than that.

Since Zombie Coffee Press is no longer around I’m doing an Anticipation of Halloween Movie Madness event on twitter.  Every day I share what horror pick I’ve chosen for that day and say a few words about it.  I haven’t been very good with live tweeting while watching (thanks the multi-tasking for school) but I’m going to try and get better with that, so if you want to hear more from me than just these every so often posts follow me on twitter @Xstitchurheart.

Otherwise that’s all for this week.  I’m hoping to get book reviews written and scheduled this week so keep an eye out for those.  I’m also going to try a little harder to keep you updated with my stitching progress.  We’ll see…

Enjoy your new week!  Hope it’s filled with all kinds of good stuff.