As they tried to approach the suspect, there was an incident that happened. An officer involved shooting took place. – Jenny Virden
Regular readers may recall that Vangelis is one of my favorite musicians; this is one of my favorites of his albums (the others being China, Opera Sauvage and Soil Festivities, with Albedo 0.39 and Heaven and Hell not far behind). It makes me wonder if people in the teens & twenties today feel about this music as many people my age might feel about, say, Count Basie. The links above the video were provided by Whores of Yore, Scott Shackford, Scott Greenfield, Franklin Harris, Tushy Galore, and Tim Cushing, in that order.
- Sounds legit.
- Just a few bad apples.
- Just protecting & serving.
- Florida man, Florida man…
- I’m sure you feel safer now.
- Cops shoot toddlers they were “afraid” of.
From the Archives
- Why is everyone so willing to believe “fake news” about “sex trafficking”?
- Encouraging prosecutors to file more charges for non-criminal behavior.
- A teen girl riding in a car now constitutes “evidence” of “sex trafficking”.
- Glorification of New York’s prohibitionist shitshow “sex trafficking court”.
- Assume any strange man who fucks you will try to remove the condom.
- The war on whores has brought disgusting creeps out of the woodwork.
- They realized they could expand the panic by adding male “sex slaves”.
- Cops, Lovecraft, viral media, classic Hollywood Avengers & much more.
- Two piles of filth want to cut sex workers off from the banking system.
- Deeply underestimating the emotional contact men want from whores.
- US rulers believe they have right to disrupt lives of millions worldwide.
- PA politicians define women as imbeciles whose consent is immaterial.
- I won’t answer controversial questions about groups I don’t belong to.
- In which sex workers’ desire for individual rights is called “surprising”.
- Cops, Loki, amateurs, Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans & more.
- In which a partisan jackass chases his own “human trafficking” tale.
- The heating up of the war on whores made for an exhausting week.
- When a headline asks a question, the answer is nearly always “no”.
- Mark Bennett kills Texas’ mindlessly-draconian “revenge porn” law.
- This licks prohibitionist arseholes so hard it nearly made me vomit.
- Korean men are more honest about buying sex than Western men.
- Pig tricks desperate woman so as to expose her to public ridicule.
- Despite all the Dutch anti-whore campaigns, it’s nice to see this.
- Now you can be a useful idiot without even using a special app!
- A Truthout article echoes what I said in the original of this title.
- Serial rapist tries to reframe himself as a protector of children.
- If you don’t understand this, try looking up “Napoleonic Code”.
- A petition against politicians who want to destroy the internet.
- Previous columns for May Day and May Eve (Walpurgisnacht).
- Rashida Jones & company are even worse than we thought.
- Neurological disorders cannot be cured by happy thoughts.
- Because one moral panic at a time isn’t enough any more.
- The profound stupidity of lawheads is a marvel to behold.
- A week full of sexual violence committed by state agents.
- Another bullshit story touting bullshit “safe harbor” laws.
- This procedure has come a long way in only three years.
- Who Gay, Inc chooses to side with against sex workers.
- Anyone surprised by this hasn’t been paying attention.
- Naturally she’s doing this; she’s an intelligent woman.
- The hypocrisy of politicians sometimes defies belief.
- The tendency toward such penalties is increasing.
- It’s good to see this getting more attention lately.
- A high-tech version of the “barcode tattoo” myth.
- Authoritarians say self-employment is immoral.
- Evil people use moral panics to cover their evil.
- The rescue industry is nasty from every angle.
- Lewis & her friends are naive fools.
- “Johns” are the new “faggots”.
- Booze, benzos and airplanes.