You’re gonna get tased, get on the ground now. – murderer Joshua Wang
I’ve been thinking about the Southern Gothic aesthetic a great deal lately (probably because my thoughts often turn to New Orleans in Mardi Gras week), and I realized that though I’ve mentioned this song before, I’ve never featured the video. It’s probably one of the saddest and most enigmatic of all American popular songs, by one of the most brilliant singer-songwriters the country ever produced. The links above the video were provided by Franklin Harris, Jesse Walker, Emma Evans, Scott Greenfield, and Phoenix Calida (x2), in that order.
- Oh no, not again.
- Color Maggie unsurprised.
- That which does not kill us…
- Confusing victimhood with power.
- Cops electrocute man for crossing street.
From the Archives
- Key to understanding Sweden: the government thinks it owns the citizens.
- Anti-sex control freak pays someone to publish a deeply-disturbed screed.
- “Gain access to” = “break in”. “Seek the services of” = “attempt to rape”.
- Say your product “fights sex trafficking” & the stupid will give you money.
- 25 years would be satisfactory, if it were given to every single rapist cop.
- Remember this when politicians tell you anti-porn laws “protect children”.
- Daily Fail pretends to care about transwomen so it can print torture porn.
- TSA & cops are allowed to sexually assault citizens without consequence.
- Expect exonerations of victims of “sex trafficking” hysteria around 2040.
- Dems: Ready to disavow this lunacy you helped create & cede it to GOP?
- So why can’t drug addicts get out of 20-year sentences for “possession”?
- Had her kids been absent, this undoubtedly would’ve turned into a rape.
- No information this gimmick could record could improve sex in any way.
- When club owners cover their arses by throwing dancers under the bus.
- In normal adult language, they ran an ordinary escort service like I did.
- Article quoting violent prohibitionist still sounds sympathetic to whores.
- Has she sadfeelz about “forced smiles” of women in other service jobs?
- I doubt legislators can make a law immune to repeal or judicial review.
- Should I trust an escort who doesn’t have much of an online footprint?
- It’s never called “trafficking” when the government or a crony does it.
- I’m sure this “call for education” doesn’t include actual sex education.
- In which a number of lucky folks get to sample my legendary kissing.
- Journalists love to pretend this is unusual, when in fact it’s the norm.
- What better job could there be for a queer sadist with control issues?
- Another study shows what’s already been shown over & over again.
- I’ll accept bitcoin when I can easily buy stuff I actually need with it.
- Are there still people who believe the French are sexually liberal?
- Actual # arrested for “human trafficking” during this period: 16.
- Palantir is also helping cops spy on sex workers and minorities.
- Cops, authoritarianism, Victorianism, hobbits and much more.
- It’s nice to have the Mouse on the side of right for a change.
- How can I shift from agency work to independent escorting?
- “Rescue Two Step” by the lovely & talented Savannah Sly.
- Cops, porn, US pro-cannabis propaganda and much more.
- On the occasion of International Not All Women’s Day.
- A secondary evil made possible by drug prohibition.
- An absolutely lovely week from beginning to end.
- Authoritarianism is its own reason for existence.
- The Japanese government still denies it did this.
- Facebook can’t even follow its own “standards”.
- Welcome to our world, ridesharing companies.
- Where are all of these “trafficked sex slaves”?
- What the hell is going on in my native state?
- More evil prohibitionist drivel from Nevada.
- It’s a pity so few Americans can see this.
- The world isn’t “fair” and can never be.
- The story is the same the world over.
- Moral panic + censorship = profit.
- Monkey see, monkey do.