Uranus is truly a mystery.
I ran across this video last week and decided to share it, despite one of them being basically wrong (an asteroid needn’t be a world-killer to wreak serious havoc) and a couple of “Yeah, but..” entries. The links above the video were provided by Dan Savage, Lucy Steigerwald, Jesse Walker, Mistress Matisse, Mark Bennett, and Popehat, in that order.
- Instant karma.
- More of this, please.
- The gingerbread zoetrope.
- When teen boys write headlines.
- H.P. Lovecraft’s recipe for turkey.
From the Archives
- This wasn’t a “mistake”; it was both deliberate and government-approved.
- A better memorial: eradicating the awful laws she fought so hard against.
- One day: similar headlines on people framed on “sex trafficking” charges.
- Our descendants will be confused about why we thought this noteworthy.
- It’s quite nice to see my ideas quoted positively in the mainstream press.
- Huge UK raids have never found more than a few “sex trafficking” cases.
- Man’s garbage will have a more lasting effect on this planet than he will.
- Are politicians stupider than other people, or does it just seem that way?
- He could’ve copied this from other parrots without even leaving London.
- Delusional anti-drug nonsense sounds like delusional anti-sex nonsense.
- Everett defends its sick need to control women’s clothing as “feminism”.
- It’s no surprise conservatives like sleazy entrapment schemes so much.
- It’s good to see so many questioning the “human trafficking” narrative.
- Scumbag gets comeuppance thanks to Sydney Brownstone’s diligence.
- The definition of “sexual predator” used here is too broad to be useful.
- Declare anything a “public health crisis” and it can be harassed at will.
- My regular escort suggested dinner off-clock; should I tip her anyway?
- Only 3 years from the time I predicted this to actual implementation.
- Cops, Washington, ghost ships, Japan, commercials and much more.
- What “legalized and heavily regulated” actually looks like in practice.
- Not for any reason whatsoever. No, your reason is not an exception.
- lawsuits are for the present our best weapon against prohibitionists.
- Enjoy the rest of your life on the “sex offender” registry, “officer”.
- Reporter mysteriously drops talk of “sex trafficking” and “slaves”.
- Are there still people who believe the French are sexually liberal?
- How many fakumentaries there will be before the hysteria ends?
- One of the more predictable uses of the “sex trafficking” excuse.
- A retrospective of my blogging from November 2013 and 2014.
- There’s so much disinformation here it’s almost mind-boggling.
- The Daily News mocks the brutal murder of a young woman.
- A call for decriminalization in Australia’s Northern Territory.
- Weeping quietly over memories of beloved things now lost.
- Did he really think more than 30 bodies would stay buried?
- Well, if Wonder Woman can teach breast self-examination…
- It’s a little reassuring to see somebody else recognize this.
- Cops, robots, MDMA, amnesia, politicians and much more.
- A good criticism of “slavery” talk on Laura Agustín’s blog.
- You mean pictures don’t have magic anti-love powers?
- How do escorts command more respect from clients?
- Co-workers mind woman’s children while she works.
- Presenting the tenth member of my Hall of Shame.
- It’s good to see this getting more attention lately.
- Protip: suing your own offspring rarely ends well.
- And this is different from the US…how, exactly?
- Another attempt at library internet censorship.
- Good riddance to bad anti-whore rubbish.
- Rapist cops of the week, 2016 and 2017.
- OK, so maybe she was listening after all.
- The New York Pot calls a kettle black.
- I called this one three years earlier.
- Essentially, a mobile tippelzone.
- Prohibitionists call this “rescue”.
- What could possibly go wrong?
- Much more of this, please.
- An odd Thanksgiving.