Try to shoot me, I’ll break every bone in your fucking neck. – “Officer” Michael Reynolds
I recently reran Rob Hustle’s protest song “Call the Cops”, and noticed he had a sequel; naturally I had to share it with you. The links above it were provided by Carol Fenton (“does”), Radley Balko (“finest”), Jacob Sullum (“step”), and Mike Riggs (“people”).
- As one does.
- New York’s finest.
- Florida man, Florida man…
- Cop beats man for sitting on a step.
- Just protecting and serving the poor.
- Because laws are more important than people.
From the Archives
- Is it normal to feel like a failure when you’re behind your peers in school?
- This whole “letting go and enjoying the ride” thing is pretty novel for me.
- This woman is so puffed up, I think she’d pop if one stuck her with a pin.
- The media won’t recognize Julie Bindel as a broken-down one-trick pony.
- “Sex trafficking” panic will be over soon, but the damage has been done.
- Cop thinks she can “build communication with sex workers” by robbery.
- The State wants us to refer to these evil thugs as “correctional officers”.
- Texas dreams up some of the sleaziest anti-abortion tricks of any state.
- Australia appears much more committed to human rights than Europe.
- Gary Johnson’s position on sex work wasn’t quite so muddled in 1991.
- More scumbags profiting from whores by promoting lies that harm us.
- Why must decrim supporters promote myths, lies & insulting tropes?
- It’s good to see young “feminist” writers taking interest in this issue.
- Not rape, but he sure seems to think it was his privilege to fuck her.
- Cops, stupidity, Florida, pigs, passwords, Angie Baby & much more.
- Remember when commies were bad for having militarized borders?
- Ally uses the Desiree Alliance conference to introduce larger issues.
- The “official” end of Operation Choke Point, but expect it to return.
- Rent in exchange for sex isn’t “free”; it has been paid for with sex.
- When “diversion” programs are subject to prosecutorial discretion.
- They’re not going to like legalization & protectionism if they get it.
- Criticism of “anti-trafficking” propaganda from inside their ranks.
- More interested in promoting an agenda than protecting society.
- Cops, stubbornness, Ron Obvious, girl-girl BDSM & much more.
- Liz Brown ridicules the “solar eclipse sex trafficking” nonsense.
- There’s no “if” about it; Melania Trump is or was a sex worker.
- Canada’s new law “protects” sex workers from lonely old men.
- Mexican police do little to protect the transgender community.
- Seems the same as an earlier news item, but worth revisiting.
- It’s always so sweet when a rescue industry scam is exposed.
- Pakistan surpasses the US in at least one area of civil rights.
- The government stole all of Rentboy’s legal defense money.
- “Temporary protective custody” = indefinite imprisonment.
- Looks like LA still isn’t done beating this very dead horse.
- Two men convicted for non-crimes against a non-person.
- Mounting opposition to “abstinence only” sex education.
- They’re literally recycling “gypsy whore” tall tales now.
- “Dear Prudence” calls a reader on her whorephobia.
- How prohibitionists want to “help” sex workers.
- This situation is not even close to “unique”.
- On the lie of “negative secondary effects”.
- Why do sex workers prefer older clients?
- Laws, like houses, lean on one another.
- Sex drives technological development.
- I hope she gets every damned penny.
- Undermining statutes of limitations.
- Kaytlin Bailey at the Fringe Festival.
- Seeing the total eclipse with Lorelei.
- Canada wants a “pimp town” too.
- Yet this isn’t called “trafficking”.
- All prohibitionism is the same.
- The past exonerative tense.
- Rapist cop of the week.
- Rapist DA of the week.
- A really intense week.