We don’t want…everybody [to go] back to their normal life.
– Mike Chitwood
I really enjoyed this clever video, courtesy of Franklin Harris, in which Avengers: Infinity War is recast with classic Hollywood stars. I can’t recall who shared the first link above the video, but the rest were provided by Jesse Walker, Nun Ya, Radley Balko (x2), and Scott Shackford, in that order.
- We must be gods.
- Stone-age seafaring.
- Lovecraft in porcelain.
- One of the earliest known viral media spectacles.
- NEVER CALL THE FUCKING COPS. Why is that so hard?
- Sheriff complains there are teens in his county who haven’t been arrested.
From the Archives
- Officials invite religious fanatic to speak about her dogma, feign surprise when she does.
- Sleazebag takes it upon himself to persecute strangers for consensual sex.
- Can people not see that “sex trafficking” hysteria is rooted in xenophobia?
- Another ridiculous tale of spineless women & pimps with magical powers.
- Why is everyone so willing to believe “fake news” about “sex trafficking”?
- Luckily, cops can diagnose us as “victims” no matter what we may think.
- This excellent article about anti-porn hysteria is also very droll at points.
- Encouraging prosecutors to file more charges for non-criminal behavior.
- A teen girl riding in a car now constitutes “evidence” of “sex trafficking”.
- Fanatic finds data disprove “sex trafficking”, decides we need new data.
- Assume any strange man who fucks you will try to remove the condom.
- What would they have said had she been arrested instead of murdered?
- Fetishists trot out more lurid wanking fantasies than usual for the RNC.
- They realized they could expand the panic by adding male “sex slaves”.
- Police state exploits technically skilled but naive kids to attack whores.
- Two piles of filth want to cut sex workers off from the banking system.
- PA politicians define women as imbeciles whose consent is immaterial.
- In which sex workers’ desire for individual rights is called “surprising”.
- I won’t answer controversial questions about groups I don’t belong to.
- Cops, Loki, amateurs, Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans & more.
- New surveillance weapons are usually used against sex workers first.
- A basic primer on sex worker rights, focusing on France & Belgium.
- Korean men are more honest about buying sex than Western men.
- Pig tricks desperate woman so as to expose her to public ridicule.
- Can a loving but pragmatic whore/client relationship really work?
- Despite all the Dutch anti-whore campaigns, it’s nice to see this.
- “Anti-trafficking” publicity stunts are growing ever more bizarre.
- A Truthout article echoes what I said in the original of this title.
- Serial rapist tries to reframe himself as a protector of children.
- Previous columns for May Day and May Eve (Walpurgisnacht).
- A petition against politicians who want to destroy the internet.
- Cops, idiocracy, Heracles, Ozymandias, Canada & much more.
- Rashida Jones & company are even worse than we thought.
- Neurological disorders cannot be cured by happy thoughts.
- Because one moral panic at a time isn’t enough any more.
- There can never be too many anti-Swedish model articles.
- The profound stupidity of lawheads is a marvel to behold.
- A week full of sexual violence committed by state agents.
- Another bullshit story touting bullshit “safe harbor” laws.
- “…the pattern of legislating over their heads continued…“
- A high-tech version of the “barcode tattoo” myth.
- Authoritarians say self-employment is immoral.
- The rescue industry is nasty from every angle.
- Whore-murderer seeks early release in Dubai.
- The War on Whores is the new War on Drugs.
- I really love it when they feed on each other.
- Public opposition to yet another toilet bill.
- Rapist cops of the week. Plenty of them.
- Another teen’s life destroyed for flirting.
- Another rapist preying on sex workers.
- It’s impossible to state this too often.
- “Johns” are the new “faggots”.
- Testing a new vertigo remedy.
- Booze, benzos and airplanes.
- Rapist fake-cop of the week.
- R.I.P. Charles Gatewood.
- The McNeill Rule.