I will eat Mum on Christmas Day. – Debra Parsons
Add to your list of Maggie’s weird little personality quirks: I love Rube Goldberg machines. Always have, ever since childhood; I was very fond of the game “Mousetrap”, and loved such gimmicks in cartoons. So naturally I’m kind of a sucker for elaborate domino layouts like this one (and it’s seasonal)! The links above it were provided by Tim Cushing (“oops”), Eddie J Cunningham (“does”), Maura Alwyen (“again”), Elizabeth N. Brown (“whatsoever” and “court”), Adjective Girl (“ago”), and Ed Krayewski (“bystander”).
- Oops.
- As one does.
- Everything old is new again.
- Not for ANY reason WHATSOEVER.
- Why didn’t he just take them to small clams court?
- Cops sue family of boy they murdered two Christmases ago.
- Crime: car theft. Penalty: execution of thief & 6-year old bystander.
From the Archives
- Positive portrayals of whores are becoming more common in video games.
- Everyone wants to cash in on “sex trafficking” hysteria before it collapses.
- Is there anything narrower and meaner than the mind of a prison official?
- Believing government “sex trafficking” propaganda makes you its stooge.
- In Mozambique, sex workers have been trained as peer health educators.
- Local “authorities” only wanted to charge rapists with “accepting bribes”.
- Sacramento classifies women as passive objects, but pretends it doesn’t.
- Ethics, cops, obsolete industries, George Clayton Johnson & much more.
- Cops don’t like non-cops poaching on what they consider their territory.
- Nobody would believe North Dakota was a “hub”, so now it’s a “funnel”.
- As I predicted in 2012, “sex trafficking” hysteria is starting to collapse.
- Another pogrom in the pocket police-state that is Polk County, Florida.
- The Open Society Foundation backs an anti-criminalization campaign.
- Of all the semi-whores, none are as pompous as licensed masseuses.
- New payment processor, new rhetoric, same old anti-whore bullshit.
- Remember, kids, the Swedish model eliminates “human trafficking”!
- Do they really think a basket of ham & bog rolls will replace a job?
- We can’t find any “victims”, yet the “problem” is “overwhelming”.
- Pro-decriminalization articles are becoming much more common.
- Cops aren’t charging these kids only because there are so many.
- It’s always great to see good December 17th essays from allies.
- A retrospective of my columns from December 2012 and 2013.
- Just in case you think being a “legal” sex worker protects you.
- Prohibition turns every individual’s body into a “crime scene”.
- Maybe someone should tell them the AJWS supports decrim?
- Anti-trans people just can’t get their minds out of the toilet.
- What’s that, Asstoon? “Real men don’t buy girls”, you say?
- Reporter talks to escorts who use the German hooker app.
- Previous columns for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.
- Cops, three dead celebrities, Monty Python & much more.
- The first in-blog hinting about my upcoming move.
- These articles are even more common in Canada.
- For those of you who still insist I’m an alarmist.
- America’s fascist statism is indeed a religion.
- Rapist cops of the week, 2015 and 2016.
- The murder of sex worker Daria Pionko.
- This is what a moral panic looks like.
- Called it. Five and a half years ago.
- The rescue industry is big business.
- Me, on the Politics of Sex Work.
- Video game “addiction”.
- Recognize the rhetoric?
- R.I.P. Madame Claude.
- Legal is as legal does.