Your language is disgusting. – unnamed racist woman
One of my favorite musicians has just released a new Christmas album, and here’s her performance of one of my favorite Christmas carols! The links above the video were provided by Radley Balko, Amy Alkon, Mike Siegel, Alejandro, Tim Cushing, Adjective Girl and Radley again, in that order.
- Metaphor alert.
- I’m sure you feel safer now.
- I hate it when this happens.
- Hells’s Bells, sisters, we’ve been found out!
- In which the word “lady” is used very loosely.
- Cops arrest little girl for walking out her back door.
- Thugs smash down door in middle of night to murder little old man.
From the Archives
- Sweden isn’t racist, nope. And neither is the “human trafficking” narrative.
- Give lies weight in the minds of the stupid: embed them in an infographic.
- Adults with Important Titles thought this actually needed to be discussed.
- Theresa May using “sex trafficking” as an excuse to destroy civil liberties.
- The same paper has printed several “lock ’em up” prostitution editorials.
- Does anyone really believe this excuse would’ve worked for a poor man?
- Previous columns for Yule, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & Boxing Day.
- Cracked has a far more realistic view of sex work than “serious” media.
- Don’t teach kids about sex; fill their heads with anti-sex propaganda.
- Axolotls, cops, censorship, muffins, Florida & Shakespearean deaths.
- Obsessing about what others do in private is a sign of mental illness.
- Ashley Madison still won’t admit to the known fact that it uses bots.
- Is this what it takes to get Gay, Inc interested in sex worker rights?
- More than two years later, Mexico City’s whores are still fighting.
- “Doing something” about “child sex trafficking”, ignoramus style.
- Jesse Walker on the long American tradition of rescue fantasies.
- Cops, amateurs, Florida, Daleks, Armageddon cartoon & more.
- For the “crime” of seeking an adult partner for consensual sex.
- You wouldn’t know this was Canadian if not for the specifics.
- Elizabeth Nolan Brown demonstrates her amazing allyship.
- We haven’t seen claims this ridiculous in quite a while.
- A Christmas Eve visit from a hooker named Holly.
- Yet another reminder that my time is not free.
- Preparing for the holidays, a visit and a tour.
- Another round of persecution of TRB users.
- A sneak peak at my story “Trust Exercise”.
- On the futility of attempts to block porn.
- I love it when they feed on each other.
- 70% of sex workers have children.
- The title’s not usually this literal.
- Beginning to sound familiar yet?
- The last diary column of 2015.
- The panic industry at work.
- Ever more hilarious.