This bill would effectively end all police liability. – Robert Phillips
I laughed out loud several times at this very funny Doctor Who parody that Franklin Harris called to my attention a few weeks ago; he also gave us “RIP”. The other links above the video are from Radley Balko (“welcome” and “state”), ManCrack (“Florida”), Furrygirl (“upset”), and Walter Olson (“visible”).
- Mitch McMuppet.
- R.I.P. Roger Moore.
- Welcome to our world.
- Quite mild by Florida standards.
- I find it difficult to be upset by this.
- Still not a police state, though, no sirree!
- It’s a bad idea to leave anything visible in your car.
From the Archives
- Remember the TBI’s bogus “sex trafficking report” from several years ago?
- Increase the # of amateurs having amateur sex and you increase STI rate.
- These articles aren’t even funny any more; they’re just pathetically stupid.
- Try to imagine article with a lower opinion of female intelligence & agency.
- Using violence to suppress consensual adult behavior isn’t up for “debate”.
- At least they’re not pretending this money is being paid “back” to anyone.
- Another asinine “crackdown” on massage parlors, using the usual excuse.
- Emily Bazelon pisses off prohibitionists by promoting Amnesty’s platform.
- Radley Balko uses example of Fran & Dan Keller to discuss Satanic Panic.
- the meat of this article about whether escorting will survive dating apps.
- How can a “high end” sex worker get over her internalized whorephobia?
- I’d rather be described as depraved temptresses than a helpless victim.
- Prohis make up big numbers, multiply them to get bigger fake number.
- A revolting exercise in bootlicking in support of an unwinnable lawsuit.
- They weren’t selling sex, so there’s no need for a crusade or anything.
- I’ll bet you thought opponents of condoms in porn were exaggerating.
- The Washington Post continues to hammer at “sex trafficking” myths.
- It’s satisfying when the mask of concern for “trafficking victims” slips.
- Prohibitionists never get how ridiculous they sound to normal people.
- A retrospective of my columns from May of 2012 and May of 2013.
- This case horrifies me more than almost any other of this century.
- When whores advance, cops soon arrive to “teach them a lesson”.
- Censorship is OK because Donald Trump is running for president.
- Why just stand around, when you can HIKE to “raise awareness”?
- A powerful takedown of “porn is a public health crisis” nonsense.
- Elizabeth Nolan Brown has become a force to be reckoned with.
- Note the small sample and highly questionable methodology.
- Sex workers’ ideas of what a perfect brothel would look like.
- The best parts of my life have always involved other people.
- My favorite bit is the pimp gorilla with mind-control powers.
- Another transwoman murdered and misgendered in death.
- Cops are allowed to rape, but not to have consensual sex.
- In which NSWP counters absurd prohibitionist arguments.
- The first announcement of last year’s trip to Oklahoma.
- “Rectification” is a particularly horrifying euphemism.
- Cops, shit, statuary, PETA, population & much more.
- Cops, wood, lies, prohibition, vegans & much more.
- The 20th anniversary of a night I prefer to forget.
- An Australian lawyer chides prohibitionist peers.
- On the cover of the New York Times Magazine.
- This anti-whore article’s language is horrifying.
- The people prohibitionists want to “rescue” us.
- Don’t be fooled by this “guest post” in Forbes.
- “Sex trafficking” fetishists target strip clubs.
- I hope he wins and establishes a precedent.
- A visit to California with my purple blanket.
- Now, this is an interesting development.
- The inevitable result of criminalization.
- Would you be my mentor in sex work?
- Violence vs. a sex worker in Ghana.
- The murder of Renee Duckmanton.
- A new red light district in Jakarta?
- On the sentencing of Tracy Elise.
- Facebook, the prudish giant.
- Rapist official of the week.