Luke is in the desert and whining. – Palette-Swap Ninja
I adore double parodies; they take real skill to pull off well, but the results are so often amazing. Today’s video, the first in a series of 11, is both the funniest Star Wars parody and one of the cleverest Beatles parodies I’ve ever encountered. It was called to my attention by Mistress Matisse, and the links above it were provided by Tim Cushing (“nope”, “Loki” and “black”), Grace (“amateurs”), Rick Horowitz (“Star Trek”), and Lenore Skenazy (“lockdown”).
- Not a police state, nope.
- Who did she pray to, Loki?
- Amateurs should be licensed and regulated.
- Cops murder teen for riding in car while black.
- Proof that the Star Trek universe will not happen in our timeline.
- Cops force school into lockdown because student took picture of house.
From the Archives
- Why do nuns who aim to “rescue” whores invariably push them into menial garment-related work?
- Judge’s advice to rapists: choose your victim & time of year carefully, and you’ll get away with it.
- Officials invite religious fanatic to speak about her dogma, feign surprise when she does.
- Police state exploits technically skilled but very naive kids to attack whores.
- Cops, idiocracy, Heracles, Ozymandias, Canada, government & much more.
- The “sex trafficking” circus needs victims to die for the crowd’s satisfaction.
- Fanatic finds data disproves “sex trafficking”, concludes we need new data.
- Prohibitionists will believe anything which seems to support their schemes.
- Sleazebag takes it upon himself to persecute strangers for consensual sex.
- Vietnamese academic gives up prohibitionism when confronted with facts.
- Buried deep in this prohibitionist screed are some truly dumb statements.
- Can people not see that “sex trafficking” hysteria is rooted in xenophobia?
- Another ridiculous tale of spineless women & pimps with magical powers.
- Luckily, cops can diagnose us as “victims” no matter what we may think.
- As phoned-in a piece of tripe as ever got past a bored, hung-over editor.
- This excellent article about anti-porn hysteria is also very droll at points.
- Articles recognizing “sex trafficking” as hysteria are now more common.
- What would they have said had she been arrested instead of murdered?
- Fetishists trot out more lurid wanking fantasies than usual for the RNC.
- Without the threat of arrest, would escorting become more dangerous?
- Fascism, cops, Nigel Terry, Grace Lee Whitney, Mahna Mahna & more.
- Another example of War on Whores as replacement for War on Drugs.
- “The vast gray market for sexual services in Canada remains…intact.”
- New surveillance weapons are usually used against sex workers first.
- As a 20-year nail salon regular, I tell you Nir is a mere concern troll.
- A basic primer on sex worker rights, focusing on France & Belgium.
- Hawaii comes up with the most grotesque anti-whore shenanigans.
- Can a loving but pragmatic whore/client relationship really work?
- “Anti-trafficking” publicity stunts are growing ever more bizarre.
- Sex worker activists have forced the vile 8 Minutes off the air.
- Anything politicians can agree on is horrible for the citizenry.
- Why are people surprised that old men still have sex drives?
- There can never be too many anti-Swedish model articles.
- “…the pattern of legislating over their heads continued…“
- Argentine prostitutes hand out symbolic invoices.
- Two dommes break the new UK censorship laws.
- This is turning into a full-blown black comedy.
- Whore-murderer seeks early release in Dubai.
- The War on Whores is the new War on Drugs.
- I really love it when they feed on each other.
- The border patrol is rapier than other cops.
- A hectic week, a new hairstyle & a butt pic.
- I officially announce my return to whoring.
- Public opposition to yet another toilet bill.
- Rapist cops of the week. Plenty of them.
- Another teen’s life destroyed for flirting.
- Another rapist preying on sex workers.
- 15 years in prison for consensual sex.
- It’s impossible to state this too often.
- Georgia strip clubs sue over pole tax.
- Testing a new vertigo remedy.
- Rapist fake-cop of the week.
- R.I.P. Charles Gatewood.
- The McNeill Rule.
- Stop faking!