I can’t breathe. – Darius Robinson
A couple of nights ago I was reminded of this Sesame Street video, in which the Muppets teach children about tolerance toward the diversity of human sexual response. The links above it are from Popehat (“faking”), Tim Cushing (“Batman”, “pulp” and “12”), Franklin Harris (“paradise”), Mike Siegel (“rescue”), Grace (“jailers”), and Radley Balko (“confirm” and “donuts”).
- Stop faking!
- Batman loves him a criminal.
- This week in the Workers’ Paradise.
- The modern American idea of “rescue” in action.
- Jailers claim they just can’t help murdering people.
- A follow-up story will confirm that this guy was a cop.
- I’m sure being beaten to a pulp had nothing to do with it.
- 12-year-old boy arrested & strip-searched for being a 12-year-old boy.
- You’d think with their “training & experience”, cops could recognize donuts.
From the Archives
- How can the perpetrators of this violent “circuit” outwit a genius who can violate Conservation of Energy at will?
- However horrible a fad law is already, Louisiana politicians can figure out a way to make their version worse.
- New York politician claims he can place the “epicenter” of “sex trafficking” on one particular street.
- “Authorities” amazed imaginary problem doesn’t materialize in response to their declaring it exists.
- None of these actually produce measurable results that could be reported to investors.
- How bad a liar does a cop have to be before prosecutors won’t believe him?
- Cops, gremlins, homophonia, addiction, time travel, Satan, Fred Flintstone.
- Your periodic reminder that Dennis Hof is a revolting excuse for a human.
- All this state snooping & pompous posturing is over consensual adult sex.
- All possible explanations are instantly discarded in favor of panic du jour.
- It isn’t only in the US that black women are routinely profiled as whores.
- Prohibitionists cut into street workers’ income by hanging around them.
- Cops, abominations, lawyers, Washington, gonads, strife & much more.
- In case you don’t believe cops & politicians are completely out of touch.
- If antis want to “rescue” whores, why do they keep us from other jobs?
- Lawheads are mystified their proclamation didn’t “abolish prostitution”.
- Writer tries to counter SWOP statements with anti-whore propaganda.
- The usual cast of Hollywood airheads is very unhappy about Amnesty.
- Another entry in “sex trafficking” fetishism, clueless celebrity division.
- You can be as bigoted as you like, as long as you blame it on whores.
- Another entry in the “climate change causes ‘sex trafficking’!” genre.
- This myth-element has grown so large, it has become a cultic totem.
- American schools teach ridiculous myths & demonize male sexuality.
- The need to see all transactional sex as coercive is a mental illness.
- Most cops think they’re nobles, but this one thinks he’s King David.
- Sending miscreants to burn them alive had NOTHING to do with it.
- The absurdities people will believe without any proof whatsoever.
- A few of my favorite lines from “6 Reasons to Hire a Sex Worker“.
- Other than the editorial inanities, this article isn’t really too bad.
- Kerry Porth describes her experience with a disfigured client.
- “Crucified” is a very strong word for such a toothless rebuke.
- Behold the results of the mental illness I call lawheadedness.
- Does semen always smell bad or does it depend on the man?
- No shortage of politicians willing to lick Swanee Hunt’s arse.
- Somehow I doubt this will stop morally-retarded politicians.
- It’s hard to imagine how this article could be more fellatory.
- Perhaps the “sex traffickers” got sick of her melodramatics?
- Prohibitionist fantasizes about “sex trafficking” in stadiums.
- The Irish version of “gypsy whores” myth is rather comical.
- Making an agency seem like a sinister criminal conspiracy.
- Heather Saul stopped a serial killer by shooting him dead.
- Guess why censors want newspaper banned from library.
- The US should be proud to be in such august company.
- The law will probably be rammed through again, but…
- Neal Falls may have murdered women in nine states.
- Sex worker social networks help prevent unsafe sex.
- How many users did Ashley Madison actually have?
- Will India’s Supreme Court decriminalize sex work?
- At least one politician disbelieves “sex trafficking”.
- You might as well join us, burlesque performers.
- The video SWOP Chicago did while I was there.
- A busy week followed by a cross-country drive.
- Why won’t my amateur friend be my safe call?
- As I said, “nothing more than a concern troll“.
- Please, David Rosen, become a prohibitionist.
- The original title read “Man stabbed in back”.
- Still think prostitution laws don’t affect you?
- Politician uses cops to silence dominatrix.
- Are very shy women fit to be prostitutes?
- The petty absurdity of social engineering.
- Greek court says coercion did not exist.
- My two previous columns for Lammas.
- A look back at July of 2011 and 2012.
- Telltale indicators of “sex trafficking”.
- Another study shows Gardasil is safe.
- You have a right to buy and sell sex.
- These people are NOT allies!
- How ballet is like sex work.
- Backpage sues Tom Dart.
- Rapist cop of the week.
- Property of the state.
- More of this, please.
- My visit to Chicago.
- Surplus women.