Links #302

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

I need to take this away.  –  airport “security” thug

So as Walter Olson informs us, the brilliant musical comedian Tom Lehrer turned 88 last week; I’ve decided to celebrate the occasion by featuring a video of one of his less-often-heard songs, in a recording made long after his late ’50s-early ’60s heyday.  You would probably expect me to choose “The Masochism Tango”, but I’m sure many of you already know that one and besides, it’s in the Copenhagen concert I featured 98 weeks ago in Links #204.  This one is about the usual consequences of sexual promiscuity when it’s left to amateurs.  The links above it are from Tim Cushing (“Lovecraft”), Dan Savage (“security”), Rick Horowitz  (“protect”), and Wendy Lyon (“ride”).

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