He was very willing to speak with us and get into detail about what happened…he was very well spoken… – “Detective” Brian Johnson
I have to admit, this modern-style trailer for The Empire Strikes Back makes it look even more awesome. The video was contributed by Popehat (who also supplied “confessions”), and the links above it by Eddie J Cunningham, Mike Siegel, Charles Hill, and Claudia Cristophe, in that order.
- Distracted driving.
- How cops obtain “confessions”.
- Laws are more important than people.
- Math shows conspiracy theories are bunk.
- Those surprised by this should probably just be put out of their misery.
From the Archives
- What should I do if I’m only aroused by women I feel an emotional connection to, but no woman I meet seems interested in dating?
- Truckers move pallets full of immobile “women and children” via forklift in crowded truck stops without anyone noticing.
- Another pompous ignoramus uses a debunked study to pretend sex work ignores all economic laws.
- Pretending that pigs, bureaucrats & other busybodies know more about our profession than we do.
- Cops, Cocoa Puffs, BDSM, advertising, misanthropy, animals, hysteria, & anal inspections.
- A particularly loathsome example of a porn performer trying to pretend she isn’t a whore.
- A thorough report on the incredible amount of money in “anti-trafficking”.
- Why the GSS and similar surveys are absolutely useless on sexual topics.
- What were the makers of the 50 Shades of Grey movie trying to achieve?
- Another demonstration of how regulation of sex work hurts sex workers.
- More distribution of soap bars to fight “pimps” hiding in hotel lavatories.
- Guess what cops do when they get their hands on information like this.
- Surveillance, vaccines, livestock, poetry, pomposity, cops and fascism.
- “Gypsy whores” idiocy & police puffery, followed by a sharp right turn.
- There are actually several of these “anti-trafficking” trucker groups.
- Last time I checked, 18 is still legally adult in every part of the US.
- Most parroting of “gypsy whores” myth now contains a disclaimer.
- Judge won’t force Los Angeles to establish redundant department.
- “5 Things You Don’t Know About Strippers (Until You Are One)“.
- Swedish rapist cleared, says unconscious woman wasn’t drunk.
- The quaint non-“law enforcement” term for this is “blackmail”.
- Dr. Jay Levy on the violence caused by the Swedish model.
- Psychotic nuns abuse children at a residential care home.
- Tulsa cops play hero while destroying real people’s lives.
- Men: Pay your hookers! Ladies: Get the money up front!
- This licensing law was sold as a way to “protect” women.
- Canadian cops launch horrible plan to stalk sex workers.
- Experts condemn politicians’ support of Swedish model.
- Great news! There is no actual crime in Pennsylvania.
- A Vice documentary on “butt shots” from non-doctors.
- “9 Things I Learned in My First Year as a Sex Worker“
- Salvation Army home locked boys in a cage for days.
- German whores refuse to take bad laws lying down.
- Japanese politician says sex slavery is no big deal.
- Judge orders sperm donor to pay child support.
- Monica Jones’ conviction overturned on appeal.
- What is the truth about Asian massage parlors?
- Vincent Rue is the Melissa Farley of abortion.
- Imagine an American politician saying this.
- “Sex trafficking” is caused by commercials!
- Something suspicious is going on at P411.
- Introducing my book, Ladies of the Night.
- Sex prohibition never stops with whores.
- Packing for Seattle & a new bathing suit.
- More on the prostitution law challenge.
- The truth about Mexico’s “pimp town”.
- January 2011 and 2012 in retrospect.
- “Sex with Google Glass”. Seriously.
- Rapist “court officer” of the week.
- Britain’s campaign against sex.
- Do-it-yourself surveillance.
- Rapist cops of the week.
- With friends like these…
- Betty White nude.