Counsel for the Citizen Accused should be referred to primarily as the “Defender of the Innocent”…Alternatively, counsel would also accept the designation “Guardian of the Realm”. – Captain Justice
This week’s video is a bit of weirdness that Mistress Matisse shared with me last month; apparently it’s been around for a while, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who hadn’t seen it before. The links above the video were contributed by Angela Keaton (“faking” and “protect”), John Galt (“delicious”), Mike Siegel (“get it”), Instapundit (“awesome”), Rick Horowitz (“gunpoint”), Radley Balko (“more”), Nun Ya (“fast enough”), and Cassandra Fairbanks (“knocking”).
- Stop faking!
- To protect and serve.
- Unspeakably delicious!
- How to absolutely not get it at all.
- A defense attorney made of awesome.
- Cop holds family at gunpoint for no reason.
- Expect a lot more of these in the next year or so.
- This can’t possibly happen fast enough to suit me.
- Cop attempts to murder two teens for knocking on his door.
From the Archives
- Dogs, “Time”, police state, cops, assholes, nightmares, hum, history, hentai, street vendors, Pakistan, graffiti and frame-ups.
- How can the perpetrators of this violent “circuit” outwit a genius who can violate Conservation of Energy at will?
- If prohibitionists really want to “rescue” sex workers, why do they keep trying to stop us from getting other jobs?
- However horrible a fad law is already, Louisiana politicians can figure out a way to make their version worse.
- New York politician claims he can place the “epicenter” of “sex trafficking” on one particular street.
- Cops, gremlins, homophonia, irony, addiction, time travel, Satan, Fred Flintstone & anti-gay propaganda.
- “Diversion” program teaches women to blame themselves for the criminalization of consensual sex.
- None of those activities actually produce any measurable results that could be reported to investors.
- I’m sure his sending miscreants to threaten to burn them alive had NOTHING to do with it.
- The subject of all this state snooping, prying & pompous posturing is consensual adult sex.
- How egregious a liar does a cop have to be before prosecutors won’t believe him?
- All possible explanations are instantly discarded in favor of panic du jour.
- Insanity: doing the same thing repeatedly & expecting different results.
- Lawheads are mystified their proclamation didn’t “abolish prostitution”.
- Another Amsterdam land-grab disguised as “anti-trafficking initiative”.
- Another entry in “sex trafficking” fetishism, clueless celebrity division.
- This myth-element has grown so large, it has become a cultic totem.
- The need to see all transactional sex as coercive is a mental illness.
- American schools teach ridiculous myths & demonize male sexuality.
- “Human trafficking” means whatever “authorities” want it to mean.
- The predictable result of a years-long “crackdown” on street work.
- The absurdities people will believe without any proof whatsoever.
- Other than the editorial inanities, this article isn’t really too bad.
- Spanish advocates for disabled men’s right to hire sex workers.
- Lies and evasions from yet another “Operation Cross-Country”.
- An interview with Kristen DiAngelo about American Courtesans.
- Behold the results of the mental illness I call lawheadedness.
- Does semen always smell bad or does it depend on the man?
- I’m rather stout; how can I get women to give me a chance?
- No shortage of politicians willing to lick Swanee Hunt’s arse.
- Perhaps the “sex traffickers” got sick of her melodramatics?
- Prohibitionist fantasizes about “sex trafficking” in stadiums.
- It’s hard to imagine how this article could be more fellatory.
- Guess why censors want newspaper banned from library.
- Making an agency seem like a sinister criminal conspiracy.
- Baton Rouge cops use overturned law to arrest gay men.
- The law will probably be rammed through again, but…
- At least one politician disbelieves “sex trafficking”.
- Porn, house buying and Spongebob Squarepants.
- Escape from the White-Savior Industrial Complex.
- Nicaraguan sex workers set up an activism office.
- You might as well join us, burlesque performers.
- The video SWOP Chicago did while I was there.
- Pat Robertson seems to be slowly going sane.
- Sex workers are finally beginning to be heard.
- Cathryn Berarovich interviews a streetwalker.
- The original title read “Man stabbed in back”.
- Still think prostitution laws don’t affect you?
- Are very shy women fit to be prostitutes?
- The petty absurdity of social engineering.
- Politician uses cops to silence dominatrix.
- Greek court says coercion did not exist.
- My two previous columns for Lammas.
- A look back at July of 2010 and 2011.
- Telltale indicators of “sex trafficking”.
- A short biography of Lais of Corinth.
- Safety tips from sex workers.
- These people are NOT allies!
- How ballet is like sex work.
- Sex Workers Speakeasy.
- Rapist cop of the week.
- R.I.P. Virginia Johnson.
- Property of the state.
- More of this, please.
- The Starlet Bandits.
- My visit to Chicago.
- Surplus women.
- King of the hill!