I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go. – Carrie Bilbao
I’m spending a lovely weekend at a mountain lake with Mistress Matisse and a wonderful gentleman, prior to heading for Oklahoma on Monday. So I apologize for the paucity of links this week; I barely had time to think, much less scan the news. Regarding the video (contributed by Franklin Harris): yes, I know what the songwriter meant, but it isn’t like that adjective hasn’t been used in another way since at least the late 19th century, and it strains credulity to believe that absolutely nobody involved in writing, selecting, producing & marketing this turkey had heard of that usage. And that makes it funny. The links are from Robert King, Radley Balko, Jesse Walker, Radley again and Cassandra Fairbanks, in that order.
- As one does.
- To protect and serve.
- Paging Alfred Hitchcock.
- Great moments in poor planning.
- Woman faces life in a cage for touching priest’s holy staff.
From the Archives
- Dogs & cats, cops, horror, Christianity, sexting, UK, Russia, propaganda, false memories and marijuana.
- Reporter’s anti-whore ignorance is so pronounced it’s cute rather than deeply insulting.
- Nevada “authorities” use “pimp” myths to enrich themselves & increase their power.
- A 17-year-old journalism intern’s impressions of the Desiree Conference.
- Another “victim” caged to force cooperation in the state’s morality play.
- Protests vs the criminalization that killed Dora Oezer & Petite Jasmine.
- Soi-disant “ally” belches up the “average debut at 13” myth to media.
- That whole “presumption of innocence” thing was nice while it lasted.
- The WHO calls for total decriminalization of both drugs and sex work.
- Yet another religious “diversion program” packed with prohibitionism.
- The typical masturbatory filth, plus the “top 13 sex trafficking hubs“.
- Cops, teens, Beezlebub, kittens, laws, lizard people and much more.
- Retired sex workers in Zimbabwe open consultancy for young ones.
- A new video game featuring a cartoonish, stereotyped streetwalker.
- Anthony Weiner found himself caught in another sexting scandal.
- I’ll never tire of seeing rescue industry figures exposed as frauds.
- You won’t often see a judge side with a sex worker against cops.
- Why clients need to be as scrupulous about condom use as pros.
- “End demand” policies turn innocent whores into unwilling traps.
- A Greek example of the “first they came for the…” phenomenon.
- Save the children and the poor, innocent men from evil harlots!
- Cops sabotage sex workers’ means of keeping ourselves safe.
- Kristin Davis reaffirms her membership in the Hall of Shame.
- Magdalene laundry nuns refuse to apologize to their victims.
- Why do some downscale hookers insult and demean clients?
- American cops teach South African ones how to rob people.
- Sex workers sue Korean government over rights violations.
- Scottish cops set out to destroy Edinburgh sauna system.
- I despise toilet-cleaning, but I don’t want it criminalized.
- The UK continues its drive to become a colony of the US.
- The advent of a fully-developed “sex trafficking” religion.
- Slang for sex acts, orgasm, body fluids & contraception.
- Skinhead murders a “sex offender” chosen at random.
- In which I discover that I’ve become a minor celebrity.
- Cathy Reisenwitz spoke to some German sex workers.
- More ridiculous anti-whore propaganda from Nevada.
- More proof that “sex addiction” is not a real disorder.
- Unlearning Liberty, Absolutely Mad and Blak and Blu.
- In loving memory of an ill-starred family of dogs.
- Two Germans imprisoned for raping sex workers.
- Scottish cops unveil plan to harass sex workers.
- Politician doubles down on “sex trafficking” lies.
- Vietnam adopts more American sex work laws.
- Strippers sue San Diego PD for humiliation.
- To St. Mary Magdalene on her feast day.
- An anti-“sex trafficking” hysteria play.
- My visits to Memphis and Nashville.
- Can you give me any beauty tips?
- What could possibly go wrong?
- Rapist soldiers of the week.
- Rapist cop of the week.
- Pizza!