A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. – Leonard Nimoy
Sometimes it’s easy to find two videos for these columns, and sometimes it’s difficult; this week was the latter, and since I’m finding that happening much more often of late I’m going to stop fighting it. If there are two, well and fine; if there’s only one, though, that will be fine, too. This week’s sole specimen was contributed by Mistress Matisse; the links above it were provided by Eddie Cunningham (“Sweden”), Grace (“police state”), Wendy Lyon (“message”), Rick Horowitz (“fear”), and Radley Balko (“together”).
- Because Sweden.
- Life in a police state.
- To protect and serve.
- R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy.
- It’s all about sending a message.
- Cop in “fear for his life” from man chained to wall.
- Government is just a word for the things we choose to do together.
From the Archives
- Cats, combustion, crayons, Christians, Kipling, Lovecraft, Sherlock Holmes, adventure, Sweden, endometriosis and the police state.
- Government, cops, jazz, Harold Ramis, storytelling, ghosts, bananas, video, surveillance, lice and Bill Watterson.
- Interestingly, the phrase “sex trafficking” appears nowhere in this story.
- Indian sex workers saved a 14-year-old girl from being sold to a brothel.
- How can one educate irrational people about “sex trafficking” hysteria?
- Redefine prostitution as “sex trafficking”; get a grant for street stings.
- Western Australia politicians keep playing with this diseased carcass.
- Russians use “sex trafficking” hysteria as Anti-American propaganda.
- Hong Kong reporter tries out for job in Beijing’s propaganda ministry.
- “Trafficked children” are a bogus reason to oppose decriminalization.
- Big masked heroes prove their manhood by attacking Asian women.
- Should I stop seeing escorts & focus on rekindling marital intimacy?
- Nuns and SOAP fanatics harass hoteliers in the American Midwest.
- Drone-enabled universal surveillance is about to become a reality.
- Louisiana’s lesser interest in “Super Bowl sex trafficking” hysteria.
- Indian sex workers triumph over attempt at covert criminalization.
- Washington state puritans’ bizarre persecution of coffee stands.
- Hawaii expands asset forfeiture to include petty misdemeanors.
- Everything is magically right and moral when state actors do it.
- “Survivor” admits others convinced her she was “trafficked”.
- Indian feminists serve “vinegar pie” to Harvard do-gooders.
- The problems with attempts to medicalize female sexuality.
- A collection of vile, psychopathic, literally genocidal hatred.
- “You don’t change the world with a Hitachi Magic Wand“.
- Alas, it’s the sex workers who suffered from this idiocy.
- The fantasy of porn prohibition via internet censorship.
- A test of a screening method some readers doubted.
- The logical end result of “human trafficking” rhetoric.
- Liane de Pougy, one of the last grandes horizontales.
- Why do women tend to be more talkative than men?
- The view on the Swedish model from inside Norway.
- Peter Schafer on his project Whores and Madonnas.
- Harry Reid is on his anti-whore hobby horse again.
- Man dies of heart attack while visiting sex worker.
- A retrospective of my blogging for February 2011.
- Has any futurist ever been right about anything?
- Obligatory Olympic “sex trafficking” scare story.
- Butt-injection killer sentenced in Mississippi.
- Two sex workers’ flats re-opened in Soho.
- “Rescue” cop sends dick pics to whores.
- How Chester Brown changed the world.
- My appearance on The Bob Zadek Show.
- Turkey’s slow-motion war on sex work.
- Why Anne Hathaway should go-away.
- How not to be an ally to sex workers.
- A guideline to the C36 consultation.
- In which I attend a law symposium.
- The rise of porn-actress escorting.
- When prostitution wasn’t a crime.
- It’s sad that we’ve come to this.
- Attacking anti-Barbie claptrap.
- Laura Lee vs. Mary Honeyball.
- She’s no Maggie McNeill, but…
- The trial of Monica Jones.
- My favorite games.
- Belle Knox speaks.