Links #226

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

As you plan your child’s Halloween costume, you must consider the district’s Zero Tolerance Policy.

The increasing trend of people saving Halloween links for the last three days before the holiday results in my not having any until the Links column after Halloween.  It’ll be just as bad next year, but the year after that Halloween’s on a Monday so that should be better.  Ah, well.  This week’s top contributor was Lenore Skenazy, with the first video and everything above it; the second video is from Franklin Harris, and the links between the two were provided by Cop Block (“protect”), Popehat (“clowns” and “chili”), Tauriq Moosa (“layout”), Kevin Wilson (“investors”), David Ley (“plastic”), Michael Whiteacre (“show”), Radley Balko (“sequel”), Molly Crabapple (“seizure”), Clarissa (“accidentally”), and Molli Desi (“together”).

From the Archives

  • Fall guys, soul murder, spam, smartass whale, Offense 101, goblin porn, horror comedies, skunks, Dutch artists, galaxies, cops & more.
  • Devils, monsters, Ouija, cops, words, bullying, Gollum, “Annabel Lee”, censorship, government, horror films and two horror shorts.
  • In my country buying sex is much more stigmatized than selling it; how do I avoid feeling guilty?
  • You might be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the Reaper.
  • What should I do if a girl I love wants to be an escort, but I think it’s the wrong choice for her?
  • Court protects civil rights; politicians make a law overruling the decision.
  • When will amateurs learn that the War on Whores affects them as well?
  • That “1 in 5″ claim rests on defining “attempted forced kissing” as rape.
  • Take a good look at the prohibitionist company the US prefers to keep.
  • Busybodies can’t resist interfering with other people’s business deals.
  • Indian whores protest another attempt to impose the Swedish model.
  • Muscatine, Iowa. 16 LE agencies. 2 months. 27 misdemeanor arrests.
  • Another example of the state punishing citizens for following its lead.
  • This academic’s blind spot about “sex trafficking” hysteria is massive.
  • Politicians who can’t resist cutting off their noses to spite their faces.
  • 97% of those charged in Illinois “end demand” crusades are whores.
  • More pearl-clutching about young pop-stars from old, dried-up ones.
  • Seven Edinburgh sauna licences renewed despite police objections.
  • Interviews with activists about the rescue industry and its myths.
  • It was a “cleansing initiative”.  You know, like “ethnic cleansing”.
  • Media pretend bureaucrat hiring whores is somehow shocking.
  • “Right. And the Invisible Fence collar…lets my dog be a dog.“
  • A meaningful opportunity to speak up for sex worker rights.
  • The TSA presumes everyone is a terrorist drug dealer pimp.
  • Another generally-balanced profile of several sex workers.
  • The zombie legislation called CISPA just won’t stay dead.
  • The US locks up more prostitutes than sex traffickers do.
  • How should I act for my boyfriend who’s into cuckolding?
  • Zürich’s tippelzones have too much surveillance to work.
  • Apple happily licks China’s boots for the almighty dollar.
  • A collection of things to read and watch for Halloween.
  • How cops and the media collaborate to destroy lives.
  • US Marine tried for murder of a sex worker in Hawaii.
  • A powerful argument against draconian sentences.
  • The Lancet comes out in favor of decriminalization.
  • A sign of the deep Western weirdness about sex.
  • Theresa May moans about “modern day slavery”.
  • “Trafficking” as an excuse for surveillance again.
  • Cops refer to teens as a criminal “sexting ring”.
  • His motive is obvious, but this is still freakish.
  • A national alliance of sex workers in Malawi.
  • The history of the Contagious Disease Acts.
  • The intimate relationship of sex and fear.
  • My two previous columns for Halloween.
  • Why we need a day to celebrate death.
  • The vile mistreatment of Alicia Beltran.
  • “Why are feminists so afraid of sex?“
  • Umpteenth verse, same as the first.
  • Business as usual in a police state.
  • Sara Kruzan is finally paroled.
  • Taiwanese funeral strippers.
  • October 2010 in retrospect.
  • Rapist cops of the week.
  • Another TSA pedophile.
  • Messiah of Evil.