Links #175

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

This is like something out of a science fiction film, anal probing by government officials and public employees.  -  Shannon Kennedy

Since there’s almost no such thing as a Thanksgiving video that isn’t stupid, you probably shouldn’t expect to see any seasonal videos for a few weeks yet (because I do NOT start Yuletide early).  Today we have two of interest, the first a short one from and the second a parody of colonialist ethnographic videos from Austrian TV, provided by Laura Agustín.  Everything before the first video is from Mike Riggs, and the links between the videos were contributed by Radley BalkoGlenn Greenwald, Kevin WilsonMike SiegelCop BlockGraceNun Yamy catLenore SkenazyDan Savage,  Jesse Walker, and Gideon (in that order); Walker also supplied “far-right homophobe”.

From the Archives