Lincoln’s Evaluation Results and IEP Meeting

By Joysautismblog @joysautismblog

I had Lincoln’s meeting this morning. I was a wreck last night, these meetings can really take an emotional toll. I was scared they were going to see more “wrong” with him then what I see. I was just scared I was going to disagree with them about something or that the plan wasn’t going to be up to the standards I was used to in Iowa.

All the memories of Adrian’s past IEPs came up. Don’t get me wrong, our IEP meetings overall have been great but it always takes an emotional toll. I usually describe as a slap in the face as to how far he was behind. Something that was said in a meeting was ringing in my ears too. One time, before our meeting, one of the ladies at the meeting was talking to another lady and in regards to people with autism she said “well usually they can talk” and it rubbed me wrong the way because Adrian was completely nonverbal at the point. It made me feel terrible and I just kept thinking about that event.

This morning Nevaeh asked me why I was crying last night. I had to explain that sometimes I have hard time because Adrian has autism and Lincoln is not talking yet. That is not an easy thing to explain to a five year old. I will hear Nevaeh making the excuse for Adrian that “well he has autism”, it’s sweet in a way but a bit sad to me too.

I was very happy with Lincoln’s IEP meeting. I’m very happy with the goals and we are all on the same page in regards to what he needs to work on. Lincoln is very delayed in communication and socialization. He is behind in some other areas but honestly I don’t think they’ve seen all his great skills yet. I noticed he was talking quite a bit more today and sat with me for a long time tonight looking at books. I’m lovesick with that little boy. I love sitting and rocking him and cuddling with him. He helped me bake a cake today and we had some good quality time.

The ultimate plan for Lincoln is to figure out this hearing situation. Our appointment is fast approaching. As soon as that is figured out, and if there is something that needs fixing with the hearing then we will see if that helps him in the areas he’s having trouble in. I see an autism evaluation in his future but since he’s already receiving all the interventions he needs I’m not concerned with a formal diagnosis at this point.

Adrian had an awesome (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) day at school today. Can you tell I’m excited? He had all smiley faces on his report, something I think we’ve only seen maybe one other day so far this year. He got extra computer time today for a reward and he was very happy.