Lin Heung Tea House 蓮香樓 | Old-school Teahouse in Hong Kong

By Yongwei318

Having been around since 1928, Lin Heung Tea House serves the most authentic and traditional dim sum in Hong Kong.
Located on Wellington Street, in between Sheung Wan MTR and Central MTR station, Lin Heung Tea House is best accessed by foot from either MTR stations. What exactly makes Lin Heung Tea House a popular choice with the locals as well as tourists? Read on to find out! 
When we arrived at Lin Heung Tea House on a Friday noon, this was the sight that greeted us. It was full house and we went around the tea house a few times before we managed to get seats.  Tip: Look for your own seats instead of standing around hoping that the service staff will usher you in.

While searching for seats, we realised that the crowd over at Lin Heung Tea House is made up of retirees whom enjoy a good ol' meal with a pot of tea on the side while keeping themselves updated with the latest news on the papers.
Sharing of seats with other customers at Lin Heung Tea House is a norm so don't be startled when you find yourself sitting side-by-side with your travel companion(s) instead of face-to-face.
Once we settled down, the staff asked us for our choice of tea and we chose Pu Er.  The dim-sum lady will make her rounds with freshly-made dim sum and to order, just pass her your order chit (the white sheet with red fonts shown in the picture below) and she will stamp the quantity ordered and pass you the food. But if you are impatient like we are, you can always go up to the dim-sum lady instead of waiting for her to come by. It is so much faster that way. Word of caution - they converse in Cantonese so if you don't speak the language, chances are you won't be able to understand them and don't expect them to lift up every cover to show you what dim sum they have. Tip: Go up to the dim-sum lady to get your food instead of waiting for them to come by your table.   Within minutes, my partner-in-crime aka my travel buddy came back to our table with these! It's quite a spread, no? Especially for just two ladies!

Beancurd skin 腐竹皮

Lotus leaf rice 荷叶饭

Chee Cheong Fun with prawns 虾蒸腸粉

The rice rolls were thicker than the usual ones that we have in Singapore but the succulent prawns makes up for it.

Chinese sausage steamed bun 肠仔包

When I first saw this, it got me very excited. I have had countless of hotdog or sausage steamed buns but certainly not a Chinese sausage steamed bun! I remember my first bite was so heavenly! Although the Chinese sausage was a tad oily, it was very fragrant! I think they used Chinese wine in it. Its certainly one of the more unique and must-try dim-sum from Lin Heung Tea House.

Siew Mai 烧卖

Despite having a hard time trying to locate Lin Heung Tea House, we were glad that we managed to find it. Did I mention how kind and helpful Hong Kong-ers are? We were standing by the traffic light flipping through our hardcopy itinerary to check for directions when a lady in her 40s took our itinerary from us to help figure out the directions and a courier uncle whom was on his way to dispatch some documents whom offered to lead us to the teahouse. We were very overwhelmed by their kindness for they offered their help even without us asking! We must have looked very lost then.  Even at Lin Heung Tea House, the locals at our table kept ensuring that we knew how the tea house ran. Whenever the dim-sum lady comes by, the locals beside us would translate the name of the food items to us in English and ask if we want it and they would pass it to us. Whenever I travel, I prefer to avoid touristy places and opt for places that the locals frequent. True enough, Lin Heung Tea House didn't disappoint and I had quite an experience there. Would I head back to Lin Heung Tea House again the next time I am in Hong Kong? Yes, you bet!
Did I mention that my friend from Hong Kong frequents Lin Heung Tea House? You know it won't go wrong when it is approved by the locals.
Lin Heung Tea House 蓮香樓
G/F 160-164 Wellington Street,
Central, Hong Kong
Nearest MTR station:
Sheung Wan Exit E2
Opening Hours:
6am – 11pm
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