Life Lately

By Hhepton

I thought I would just write a little post tonight on what I’ve been up to recently, as once again my blog is taking a bit of a back seat as life takes over! For those of you who are nosy then this will be right up street, if you’re not so interested in my life then I suggest you say goodbye now as I think this may be a rambly one, offering no useful information whatsoever. I didn’t know what photo to use for this so I picked one that I took the other day of the naughtiest puppy in the world (aka, Rufus). Look at him, struggling to climb the hill after a good long walk… it’s practically a metaphor of my life right now as I come to the end of this semester at university, ha.

Speaking of Rufus I’ll mention him first. He is 10 months old now and has officially turned into a naughty teenage puppy, barely listening to anything I say and wanting his own way all of the time. I read a description of his breed online and the website described a lhasa apso as a ‘sassy little diva’ and honestly this sums up him right now. Just today I had to run about half a mile along a track (just by the house at the bottom of the hill on that photo actually) as he chased a motorbike barking his head off, totally oblivious to the fact I was shouting of him to come back. Clearly the training classes paid off. A new party trick he has developed lately is if you leave a chair pulled out of the dining room table, HE JUMPS ON THE TABLE. Yep, a dog on the table. Seriously losing my mind but I’m hoping this stage doesn’t last too long, he’s still so cute and loveable and all he wants is a cuddle and someone to play with! He doesn’t really look like a puppy anymore either, compared to this post, I can’t believe it’s the same dog. Anyway, I’m still a crazy dog lady so nothing’s changed there.

University is crazy and I spend my life in the library/in the science complex/sat at my dining room table aimlessly trying to finish a dissertation I’ve lost all interest in. In the past month I’ve had; an assessed presentation, a lab report, a 1000 word report on antibiotic resistance, then my dissertation and a chemistry lab report due in within the next two weeks. I then have two exams to revise for in May, and another piece of coursework due in at the end of May. ‘Do biomed, they said, it will be fun, they said’. Seriously it’s such hard work but I’m absolutely loving uni more than I ever have done at the minute so it’s not too bad. Let’s pretend the dissertation doesn’t exist though, I need another 2000 words in the next week or so and I have no idea where they are coming from.

Since January my social life has not stopped. As all of my friends are turning 21 this year there’s been a big celebration or party every month, plus nights out here and there with uni friends/school friends/Wednesday nights out with my sport society. This also means that since January I’ve probably had at least one hangover every single week, so if you’re wondering where my student loan has gone then there you go! There’s been family weddings, engagement parties, and I still have a course party next week, Varsity at Teeside the week after, the sports ball in May and a pub crawl in Newcastle at the end of May for my friend’s 21st! I feel like I just don’t stop and in a way I can’t wait for summer just so I can take a few days to calm down!

In between all of this I’ve been trying to find a job, which is way harder than it sounds. I’m not even kidding for about two months I got rejected from every single place I applied to and to be honest was starting to dishearten me a bit. However, on Tuesday afternoon I had an interview at a little place in Newcastle to be a waitress… and ended up getting a trial shift! I’m really hoping they follow through with it and get in touch, and then that it goes well as it’s driving me crazy spending so much time on applications only to get absolutely nowhere. I also have an interview to be a student ambassador which I’m SO EXCITED FOR! It may sound ridiculous, but I just think it’s something I could really be good at and I’ve wanted to do since first year so I’m keeping all of my fingers and toes crossed for that one.

I told you this would be a rambly one, and probably not all that interesting to you really. But I’m posting it anyway and at least you know I’m still alive! Don’t forget to come and say hi on Twitter and Instagram as I’m still active on those two (becoming really addicted to Instagram since getting a new phone) and let me know what you’ve been up to recently too! :D xxx