Life at the Ashram - Day 16 (aka Spring Cleaning)

By Nadine
This morning I was on seasonal clean, which is what most of us would call spring cleaning. I spent most of the morning in one room, moving all the furniture, washing it all down, moving mattresses, vacuuming everything and remaking the room. Made me think about doing this at the house. I know mom would love that.
Last night we had mashed rutabaga for supper (among other things). I love mashed rutabaga. Since we always have it with our holiday dinners it feels like Thanksgiving or Christmas to me. All it was missing was the turkey gravy poured over it.
I really like doing dishes (mom, feel free to insert laughter here). But I do. I've been on dishes the last two nights (we sign up once a week and then someone asked me to take their shift for them). And I'm on kitchen this afternoon which means dealing with the lunch dishes first.
I can feel my departure coming. I can feel myself getting nostalgic for the things and people I'll miss. But I can also feel the excitement for my travels after I leave here and the excitement to return home. But I am trying as much as possible to practice mindfulness and be in the moment and not projecting forward to the end of the week.
Some of the things I'll be taking home from here:
  • additional Yoga poses I hadn't done in a while and was reminded of to teach
  • less TV time or rather conscious TV time (not using it as an escape)
  • less computer time; now that I'm not in front of a computer all day I notice how much energy it draws out of me
More to come as the week goes by...