Life at the Ashram - Day 15 (aka Dungeons and Dragons?)

By Nadine
Reflection day! It's been a great day. I slept in and had a nap this afternoon (ended up awake for part of the night).
We don't usually have Hatha class on Sundays, but because of the certification process going on right now, I got to go to a friend's class. It was great! I do enjoy exploring other kinds of Yoga than what I teach, but I'm really grateful for what I've learned. I've realized how blessed I was to end up in a teaching program that aligns with me. There are definitely some classes out there (like the ones here) that I enjoy taking but don't think my personality would suit teaching. When I'm in Vancouver after Easter, I look forward to checking out a few studios.
I bought some songbooks from here today. I love the songs we sing during Satsang and hope to bring some of them forward into my personal practice and maybe into my teaching. I also bought another book by Thich Nhat Hanh. I might also buy a few things for the studio before I leave but I have to think on that.
As I'm sitting here typing, some people on the other side of the library are playing some sort of Dungeons and Dragons type game. It cracks me up what people do here on reflection day.