Life, According to Reese: Dear Mr Right (And the Mr Wrongs)

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Dear Mr Right { AKA “The One” },

Hello there, you handsome man. You are sincerely, the PERFECT representation of what A MAN should be and I absolutely can’t believe that you are ALL mine. There’s an old saying that goes, If he treats you like a Queen, chances are he was raised by one. Clearly, your mumma did something exceptional with you.

You have shown me with real love is meant to be like; unconditional and happy. You get all my quirkiness and embrace it as something beautiful. You look at me like I’m the only woman on this planet. You call me beautiful pet names and isn’t afraid of doing so in front of family and friends. You don’t mind doing the occasional chore around the house and when it comes to family (for now, it’s a cat and a bird) you know it’s a duel effort.

Just when the spark grew dim and thought I’d never recover, you came into my life and reignited it with something so powerful and fierce that it will never die out for as long as I live. I don’t need to be a better woman, because to you, I’m already the best version of myself. You love the idea of travelling, having a mortgage and creating a family with me. You love talking to me everyday. You laugh at all my jokes, no matter how lame they are. You stand up for me and comfort me when I need to. You understand our differences and don’t use them as excuses for us not to be together. You wouldn’t DREAM of skipping a weekend with me and when it comes to fighting, we don’t. The only fight we have is about being together.

I’ve said so many times that I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, but the mere fact that it’s just beginning is just a dream come true.

Thank you for picking me. Eyeing me off at that Paddington bar that stinking hot Friday afternoon was the BEST thing to ever happen to me. YOU are the best person I’ve ever met and I’d walk through hell and fire before I’d let anyone take you away from me.

Thank you for being mine. For all the smiles, laughs, kisses, hugs and beautiful words exchanged between us, here’s to more – everyday, forever.

Love, Reese

“Dear future lover, I hope our love is the kind that I don’t even have to think about. I hope I never have to convince myself to love any certain part of you because I hope it all comes naturally. I hope our love is the kind that is quiet on the outside but loud on the inside. I want to love you like the space between lightning and thunder – electrified and alive but silent and knowing. And I want you to love me like the clouds love the rain. You’re going to have to let me go on my own sometimes, but I will always come back and we will always be two parts of the same thing.”

— Marianna Paige

Dear Mr Wrongs { AKA the ones before The One }

I’m not here to talk shit about you, but lets face it and not sugar-coat things, you were all horrendously shit. Particularly the last one (who is also celebrating a birthday today), who was the worst and most pathetic excuse for human cells and life in the history of the Universe.

I know I wasn’t perfect, but nothing I ever did deserved the bullshit you put me through. I never spoke ill of you (whilst we were together anyway), I never cheated on you, never lied, mistreated or hurt you in any way, shape or form.
Although some of you were better than others, our differences in personality was the only thing that tore us apart, so why you decide to treat me so poorly is a mystery. But in retrospect, breaking up was an absolute blessing.

Being without you has made me all the richer, happier and wiser. You have all taught me very valuable lessons and all the good things I ever liked about you, I now have wrapped up in a beautiful man who I wake up next to every single morning.

Although I don’t wish bad things for any you, but obviously don’t wish you well. Karma will take care of that and when she does, you BET I will be standing up there looking down at you, laughing. She’s a bitch and she always settles the score, so brace yourself buddy.

Sincerely, Reese

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