Life According to Instagram… Take 7

By Megan Daly @__MissMeg__

So since my last Instagram post, I’ve gotten a year older (I am 25 now. EEEEEEKKK – that’s the sad face), ate a lot of cake, baked a yummy batch of chocolate & dessicated coconut cupcakes and ripped up a pair of old jeans. Also I now own a One Direction mug, I am a quarter of a century old and proud to love 1D.

In terms of new blogging posts coming up – I was sent a ton of amazing hand-painted nail decals from Nail Doodles (check her store out!) that I’ve been playing around with. I have a review of the 1940′s retro inspired beauty brand Ginger & Co scheduled this week, and a post of the newest offerings in the Colour Crush range from The Body Shop. Their gel eyeliners are AWESOME. I was also generously sent out a gorgeous white and bronze necklace from Karmisa Jewellery.

It’s been a good few weeks, can’t believe that we are already in July. Seems like 2014 just started!! I hope everyone’s had a lovely few weeks, let me know what you got up to in the comments!

Also if you like my blog & enjoy my witty banter attempts, pleeeeeease take the time out to vote for my blog in the Blog Awards Ireland. You can nominate me in either the ‘Best Beauty’ / ‘Best Designed’ or ‘Best Lifestyle’ categories. Voting closes on the 11th of July.

