I have been nominated.... for a Liebster Award! The lovely Stacie, who runs one of my favorite book blogs, Books Galore, has decided that I deserve to be nominated. For which I worry about her mental health but am very grateful!
First of all, my apologies to Stacie for taking so long with this post. Though my answers are quite short, I had a helluva time coming up with them. Not to mention my own questions. And I wanted to give it the time and effort it deserved!
I gotta say, I'm loving being part of the book blogging community. Not only do I get to talk about books to my heart's content and not get yelled at, but you guys actually seem to enjoy it! So, of course, I want to thank all of you for taking the time to visit and leave comments for me. You've all helped to make this my happy place!
Here's how it works. (And you might wanna grab a beer, because this post is gonna take awhile!)
The Rules
- Make sure you thank and link back the person who nominated you.
- List 11 facts about yourself.
- Answer the 11 questions put forward by whoever nominated you.
- Ask 11 new questions to 9 bloggers. (They must have less than 200 followers on Bloglovin' or their preferred method. You cannot re-nominate the blog that nominated you.)
- Go to their blog and inform them that they have been nominated!
11 Facts About Me
Well, this is kinda good, because you guys don't get a chance to learn much about me on this blog. Time to change that!
- I love beer.
- I'm an only child.
- I have three (count 'em, THREE) cats. They're cute but also very, very annoying.
- I can't drink coffee because it gives me the jitters and then makes me feel like I'm dying. However, decaf lattes are THA BOMB.
- I'm very sensitive to aromas.
- My parents are both British.
- I'm vegetarian. But I don't like mushrooms, asparagus, eggplant or kale.
- I can't read books that have any kind of animal cruelty in them. Seriously, if they kill a fly, I'm out.
- I have a bad habit of picking up and putting down several books before settling on one, so I've got a ton of books I've only read the first two chapters of.
- It rains a lot where I live. I don't like rain.
- I love Moleskine notebooks and have a collection of them goin'!
Answers to Stacie's 11 Questions
1. Do you believe in true love or love at first sight?
True love, yes. But love at first sight and soul mates, no.
2. What do you do when you're having a bad day?
Uh.... bitch a lot and then have a beer.
3. Is there something you're looking forward to this month?
Not really - though I am hoping to get more reading done than I did last month!!
4. Do you think that you have made a difference in someone's life?
Hmm. I would imagine I've made a difference in lots of people's lives, sometimes in a small way, sometimes in a larger way. I hope mostly positive, but hey, no one's perfect.
5. If you could see any band that is now broken up, what band what it be?
Oooh, that's a tough one. Maybe A Tribe Called Quest?
6. How did you get one of your scars?
I've got a scar on my back (right through one of my tattoos) from back surgery.
7. If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
Probably spring or fall, because that way you get some sun, some rain and the possibility of some snow!
8. If you could be a superhero what would you want to do?
I'd probably want to be able to freeze time so that I could get more reading done!
9. Are you someone who worries too often?
Yes. All the goddamn time.
10. Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
Yup, every day.
11. What character from a book would you say you relate to the most and why?
Probably Anne Frank. I think because she was just so heartbreakingly real and normal in the midst of such unthinkable horror. There was just something so relatable about her. I don't think I'd have her strength or optimism in a similar context, but I'd aspire to her example.
My 11 Questions
- How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
- What's your favorite thing about being a book blogger?
- Other than reading, what's your favorite hobby?
- What's your number one food or beverage craving?
- What's the one place you want to visit in the world that you haven't been to yet?
- Which book made you fall in love with reading?
- What's your favorite TV show or movie?
- What's your dream job?
- What do you collect (other than books)?
- Do you have any pets?
- What's your favorite band or song?
And I Nominate...
- Julianne from Outlandish Lit
- Ellie from Book Revels
- Chrissi from Chrissi Reads (I realized after posting this that Chrissi's blog is Award-free, so she's just an honourable mention.)
- Bree from Coffee Been Bookshelf
- Kay from It's A Book Life
- Jacque from Jacque's Book Nook
- Kelly from Pretty Little Reader
- Courtney from The Lit Girl
- Bobbie, Allison and Kelsey from Verbosity Reviews
Take a minute to visit these lovely blogs if you haven't already - they're all unique and full of great bookish content! (And though it probably goes without saying, if I were allowed to re-nominate Stacie, I would have, because she's fantastic. So don't forget to head over and say hi to her at Books Galore, too!)
If you've been nominated and choose to participate, please leave your Liebster post links in the comments so I can swing by and read your answers to my (terrible) questions! :)