Liebster Award!

By Mascaraandmirrors93

Hello Everyone!I have been nominated for the Liebster award by the lovely Aoife over at - Simply Beautify Me. I am absolutely honoured that she picked me out of the blogging network. I have done some further research on the Liebster award and think it's an excellent idea to give blogger's more recognition. I have some questions below that I was asked by Aoife, that I have answered the best I can! The Rules of the Liebster Award
  1. Link to the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominator.
  3.  Nominate 5 to 10 bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
  4. Make up your own 10 questions or use the 10 your nominator gave you.
  5. Leave a comment on your nominee's blog about their award.
Here are my questions from Aoife :
  1. What made you become a blogger? - I became a blogger after many thoughts and ideas popped into my head and through inspiration via my favorite bloggers  e.g. missbudgetbeauty, beauty-crush etc.

2. What is one beauty item you could not live without? I couldn't live without my eye-liner it really gives my eyes that little something and makes my eyes pop if I'm wearing minimal make-up. I am torn between eye liner and BB cream although eye-liner has won it for me.
        3.What are your favorite blogs?- My favorite blogs are Khila- missbudgetbeauty - Georgina- - Sammi- .. So many people I cant choose!
4.Where is your dream destination? My dream destination is New York, it's a shopping dream! I love America and all the shops over there! Plus it would be excellent to get some products to blog about from Sephora! (Random I know!). I would also love NY as I love the look of Times Square and the surrounding area, it's beautiful.
5.What is your favorite season & why? My favorite season is definitely Autumn. I love Autumn as it's not too cold and I still get the opportunity to wear big boots and scarves and a beanie! Everyone loves a beanie!
6.What is your favorite quote? My favorite quote is a Bill Hicks quote- "It's just a ride!"- You can look this up to find out more about it, but basically it means that life is just like a ride, you can be scared and nervous but once your getting along you enjoy it. Loads of other meanings come along with this quote but I wont bore you with details.
7.If you could live one day again, which would it be & why? The one day I would live again would be, Christmas day- any year. I love the laughs and smiles around Christmas time and I love giving presents. I also love that Christmas involves everyone in your family and not just one person.
8.Three of your favorite films? Forrest Gump, The Notebook & The Inbetweeners.

9.Lip products or eye products? Has to be eye products for me, I would much rather have mascara and eye-liner than a lipstick or gloss although I am beginning to love MAC lipsticks.
10.What makes you feel confident? I am the least confident person I know, but I love when people compliment little things like your make-up or your nails. I also feel confident when I know that I have helped someone- whether it is with advice or just being there for them.
I Nominate: Hannah at - Jessica at - - Sophie at- - Suzy at- and Rachel at x
My questions are1. What are your blogging aims?2.Where are your favorite places to shop?3. What's your ultimate beauty must have?4. What matters to you most- hair or make-up?5. High-end or High-street?6. What's your go to product for lips?7. How would you describe your style?8.Favourite band?9.Who are your favorite bloggers?10. Which brands would you like to work with?
Thanks for reading guys! x