Liebster Award

By Mleonardo18

First of all, thank you Raine for nominating me. I’ve actually seen a lot of posts about this Liebster thing but never really knew what it meant, but now that someone has nominated, I just had to look it up. From what I’ve read, the word “Liebster” has German origins and has several definitions: dearest, sweetest, kindest, beloved, nicest, lovely, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, welcome, sweetheart, and boyfriend?! (really?) LOL The Rules:

  1. Put Liebster award logo on your blog
  2. Thank and tag the blog who nominated you
  3. Answer their questions and come up with 10 new questions for your nominees
  4. Nominate 7 blogs (with less than 200 followers); let them know that you’ve nominated them in your post
  5. No tag-backs

Questions for me:

✥ How long have you been blogging? 

➢ I’ve been blogging since November 2014.

✥ What makes you inspired to blog?

➢ What inspires me to blog? The other bloggers that I see. Also, in the future, I want to look back at these posts that I’ve made.

✥ What is your favorite colour?

➢ Pink and green

✥ Winter or summer?

➢ Summer, because it’s easier to travel and I get to wear shorts, dresses, and flip flops.

✥ If you won $10 million, where are you going to spend it and why?

➢ Part of it will definitely go to charity because ever since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to help those who are in need. Majority of it will go to my savings and then the rest would be for traveling with the family.

✥ What is your favorite perfume? ➢ Victoria’s Secret Love is Heavenly Perfume

✥ If you have a chance to choose your name, what would it be?

➢ Lhexine Margareth – I don’t know why but it sounds beautiful.

✥ Have you ever traveled to any countries? If so, where?

➢ Yes, I’ve been to the U.S. (specifically in North Dakota and Seattle) and Hong Kong (during a flight stopover)

✥ Do you have any other particular activities other than blogging?

➢ Nothing at the moment

✥ State one word that would describe yourself.

➢ Friendly.

I nominate:

Bella Nina Beauty 


Tanya’s Runway

Haylee Slocum

It’s Weezybaby

Citizens of Beauty


Here are my questions for my nominees:

1. If you were to go to an island alone, what would be the one thing that you would bring with you?

2. Winter or summer? Why?

3. If you were to throw away all your shoes and is only allowed to keep one, which pair of shoes would you keep?

4. Dark chocolate or white chocolate?

5. What do you want to be in the future?

6. How many kids do you want to have in the future? If not married yet.

7. What’s your dream car?

8. What’s your favorite clothing shop?

9. Flats or stilletos?

10. Sunrise or sunset?