Lewis Instruments Ltd

By T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

Lewis Instruments Ltd

Added by CanadianGIS

0 reviews

Listed in GPS, Hardware

Updated: Mar 3, 2014 Overview Reviews

Lewis Instruments Ltd is a supplier of surveying equipment, engineering equipment, wide format plotters & scanners and drafting supplies. They are the oldest operating survey supply house in Canada with over 60 years of service to the industry and carry everything required for data collection and plan production. They represent suppliers such as Leica Geosystems, Canon, KIP, Contex, Garmin, CST/Berger, SECO, Schonstedt, Magellan, TDS, Apache, Juniper and more.


Tags: Apache, Canon, Consulting, Contex, engineering equipment, Garmin, Hardware, Instruments, Juniper, KIP, Leica Geosystems, Magellan, Schonstedt, surveying equipment, TDS, wide format plotters

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