I make no secret of my love of A/W fashion.I love layering, getting all snuggly....and generally theres more clothes to work with!
Now I'm currently on the hunt for an A/W coat. The problem being that I am incredibly picky when it comes to choosing such an item.I like my coats to have an element of longevity, something I can pull out for a couple of years after their purchase, and of course something fashionable.I own a quilted jacket which I got from an equestrian seller over Ebay.Last year this got a lot of wear which makes me consider purchasing a Barbour jacket.But which style? Here are some different Barbour jackets that have made the shortlist.
1. Barbour Vintage Polarquilt Black Jacket2. Purple Barbour Jacket3. Barbour Summer Liddesdale Quilted Navy Jacket
It goes without saying that Barbour jackets are pricey but there are a lot of cheaper alternatives available on the high street. I was particularly interested in the purple number....but it has disapperared in the sale. There are a few Barbour coats in the sale here though. Personally the pink Barbour doesnt float my boat but it may for someone else.
Have you got Autumn/Winter coat hunting yet?
Winner for my MAC giveaway will be posted tomorrow sit tight all those that entered!